/*! * axisJ Javascript Library Version 1.0 * http://axisJ.com * * 아래 소스의 라이선스는 axisJ.com 에서 확인 하실 수 있습니다. * http://axisJ.com/license * axisJ를 사용하시려면 라이선스 페이지를 확인 및 숙지 후 사용 하시기 바람니다. 무단 사용시 예상치 못한 피해가 발생 하실 수 있습니다. */ /* *** jquery event extend for mobile ***************************** */ var rkeyEvent = /^key/; var rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/; jQuery.each(("touchstart touchmove touchend").split(" "), function (i, name) { jQuery.fn[name] = function (data, fn) { if (fn == null) { fn = data; data = null; } return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(name, null, data, fn) : this.trigger(name); }; if (rkeyEvent.test(name)) { jQuery.event.fixHooks[name] = jQuery.event.keyHooks; } if (rmouseEvent.test(name)) { jQuery.event.fixHooks[name] = jQuery.event.mouseHooks; } }); /* *** extend implement block ***************************** */ var Class = (function () { function subclass() { }; function create() { var parent = null, properties = AX_A(arguments); if (Object.isFunction(properties[0])) parent = properties.shift(); function klass() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Object.extend(klass, Class.Methods); klass.superclass = parent; klass.subclasses = []; if (parent) { subclass.prototype = parent.prototype; klass.prototype = new subclass; parent.subclasses.push(klass); } for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) klass.addMethods(properties[i]); if (!klass.prototype.initialize) klass.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction; klass.prototype.constructor = klass; return klass; } function addMethods(source) { var ancestor = this.superclass && this.superclass.prototype; var properties = Object.keys(source); if (!Object.keys({ toString: true }).length) { if (source.toString != Object.prototype.toString) properties.push("toString"); if (source.valueOf != Object.prototype.valueOf) properties.push("valueOf"); } for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) { var property = properties[i], value = source[property]; if (ancestor && Object.isFunction(value) && value.argumentNames().first() == "AXJ_super") { var method = value; value = (function (m) { return function () { return ancestor[m].apply(this, arguments); }; })(property).wrap(method); value.valueOf = method.valueOf.bind(method); value.toString = method.toString.bind(method); } this.prototype[property] = value; } return this; } return { create: create, Methods: { addMethods: addMethods } }; })(); (function () { var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; function extend(destination, source) { for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property]; return destination; } function inspect(obj) { try { if (isUndefined(obj)) return 'undefined'; if (obj === null) return 'null'; return obj.inspect ? obj.inspect() : String(obj); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...'; throw e; } } function toJSON(object, qoute) { var type = typeof object; var isqoute = qoute; if (isqoute == undefined) isqoute = true; switch (type) { case 'undefined': case 'function': return; case 'unknown': return; case 'boolean': return object.toString(); case 'number': return object.toString(); case 'string': return object.toJSON(true); } if (object === null) return 'null'; if (object.toJSON) return object.toJSON(isqoute); if (isElement(object)) return; var results = []; for (var property in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) { var value = toJSON(object[property], isqoute); if (!isUndefined(value)) results.push(property.toJSON(isqoute) + ':' + value); } } return '{' + results.join(', ') + '}'; } function toJSONfn(object, qoute) { var type = typeof object; var isqoute = qoute; if (isqoute == undefined) isqoute = true; switch (type) { case 'undefined': case 'function': try { return toJSONfn(object(), isqoute); } catch (e) { return; } case 'unknown': return; case 'boolean': return object.toString(); case 'number': return object.toString(); case 'string': return object.toJSON(true); } if (object === null) return 'null'; if (object.toJSON) return object.toJSON(isqoute); if (isElement(object)) return; var results = []; for (var property in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) { var value = toJSONfn(object[property], isqoute); if (!isUndefined(value)) results.push(property.toJSON(isqoute) + ':' + value); } } return '{' + results.join(', ') + '}'; } function toJSONforMobile(object) { var type = typeof object; switch (type) { case 'undefined': case 'function': return; case 'unknown': return; case 'boolean': return "\"" + object.toString() + "\""; case 'number': return "\"" + object.toString() + "\""; case 'string': return object.toJSON(true); } if (object === null) return 'null'; if (object.toJSONforMobile) return object.toJSONforMobile(true); if (isElement(object)) return; var results = []; for (var property in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) { var value = toJSON(object[property]); if (!isUndefined(value)) results.push(property.toJSON(true) + ':' + value); } } return '{' + results.join(', ') + '}'; } function keys(obj) { var results = []; for (var property in obj) results.push(property); return results; } function values(obj) { var results = []; for (var property in obj) results.push(obj[property]); return results; } function clone(obj) { return extend({}, obj); } function isElement(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1); } function isObject(obj) { return _toString.call(obj) == "[object Object]"; } function isArray(obj) { return _toString.call(obj) == "[object Array]"; } function isHash(obj) { return obj instanceof Hash; } function isFunction(obj) { return typeof obj === "function"; } function isString(obj) { return _toString.call(obj) == "[object String]"; } function isNumber(obj) { return _toString.call(obj) == "[object Number]"; } function isUndefined(obj) { return typeof obj === "undefined"; } extend(Object, { extend: extend, inspect: inspect, toJSON: toJSON, toJSONfn: toJSONfn, toJSONforMobile: toJSONforMobile, keys: keys, values: values, clone: clone, isElement: isElement, isObject: isObject, isArray: isArray, isHash: isHash, isFunction: isFunction, isString: isString, isNumber: isNumber, isUndefined: isUndefined }); })(); Object.extend(Function.prototype, (function () { var slice = Array.prototype.slice; function update(array, args) { var arrayLength = array.length, length = args.length; while (length--) array[arrayLength + length] = args[length]; return array; } function merge(array, args) { array = slice.call(array, 0); return update(array, args); } function argumentNames() { var names = this.toString().match(/^[\s\(]*function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/)[1].replace(/\/\/.*?[\r\n]|\/\*(?:.|[\r\n])*?\*\//g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '').split(','); return names.length == 1 && !names[0] ? [] : names; } function bind(context) { if (arguments.length < 2 && Object.isUndefined(arguments[0])) return this; var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1); return function () { var a = merge(args, arguments); return __method.apply(context, a); } } function curry() { if (!arguments.length) return this; var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 0); return function () { var a = merge(args, arguments); return __method.apply(this, a); } } function delay(timeout) { var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1); timeout = timeout * 1000; return window.setTimeout(function () { return __method.apply(__method, args); }, timeout); } function defer() { var args = update([0.01], arguments); return this.delay.apply(this, args); } function wrap(wrapper) { var __method = this; return function () { var a = update([__method.bind(this)], arguments); return wrapper.apply(this, a); } } function methodize() { if (this._methodized) return this._methodized; var __method = this; return this._methodized = function () { var a = update([this], arguments); return __method.apply(null, a); }; } return { argumentNames: argumentNames, bind: bind, curry: curry, delay: delay, defer: defer, wrap: wrap, methodize: methodize } })()); Object.extend(String.prototype, (function () { function left(strLen) { return this.toString().substr(0, strLen); } function right(strLen) { return this.substring(this.length - strLen, this.length); } function dec() { return (this) ? decodeURIComponent(this.replace(/\+/g, " ")) : this; } function enc() { return (this) ? encodeURIComponent(this) : this; } function object() { try { var res = this.evalJSON(); } catch (e) { res = { error:"syntaxerr", result: "syntaxerr", msg: "to object error, " + e.print() + ", " + this }; try { mask.close(); } catch (e) { } } return res; } function array() { try { var res = this.split(/,/g); } catch (e) { res = { error:"syntaxerr", result: "syntaxerr", msg: "to object error, " + e.print() + ", " + this }; } return res; } function toDate(separator, defaultDate) { if (this.length == 10) { try { var aDate = this.split(separator || "-"); return new Date(aDate[0], ((aDate[1]) - 1).number(), (aDate[2]).number(), 12); } catch (e) { return (defaultDate || new Date()); } } else if (this.length == 8) { var separator = (separator || "-"); var va = this.replace(/\D/g, ""); return (va.substr(0, 4) + separator + va.substr(4, 2) + separator + va.substr(6, 2)).date(); } else if (this.length < 10) { return (defaultDate || new Date()); } else if (this.length > 15) { try { var aDateTime = this.split(/ /g); var aDate = aDateTime[0].split(separator || "-"); if (aDateTime[1]) { var aTime = aDateTime[1]; } else { var aTime = "09:00"; } var is24 = true; if (aTime.right(2) == "AM" || aTime.right(2) == "PM") { is24 = false; } var aTimes = aTime.left(5).split(":"); var hh = aTimes[0]; var mm = aTimes[1]; if (!is24) hh += 12; return new Date(aDate[0], (parseFloat(aDate[1]) - 1), parseFloat(aDate[2]), parseFloat(hh), parseFloat(mm)); } catch (e) { var now = new Date(); return (defaultDate || new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), 12)); } } else { // > 10 var now = new Date(); return (defaultDate || new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), 12)); } } function toNum() { var pair = this.replace(/,/g, "").split("."); var isMinus = false; if (parseFloat(pair[0]) < 0) isMinus = true; if (pair[0] == "-0") isMinus = true; var returnValue = 0.0; pair[0] = pair[0].replace(/[-|+]?[\D]/gi, ""); if (pair[1]) { pair[1] = pair[1].replace(/\D/gi, ""); returnValue = parseFloat(pair[0] + "." + pair[1]) || 0; } else { returnValue = parseFloat(pair[0]) || 0; } return (isMinus) ? -returnValue : returnValue; } function parseF() { return parseFloat(this); } function strip() { return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); } function stripTags() { return this.replace(/<\w+(\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])+)?>|<\/\w+>/gi, ''); } //" function stripScript() { //스크립트 제거 var cStr; var RegExpJS = new RegExp("<[ ]*script[^>]*>[^<]*]*>", "gi"); cStr = this.replace(RegExpJS, ""); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onclick[^=]*=/gi, " xonclick="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onmouserover[^=]*=/gi, " xonmouseover="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onmouseout[^=]*=/gi, " xonmouseout="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onchange[^=]*=/gi, " xonchange="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onblur[^=]*=/gi, " xonblur="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onerror[^=]*=/gi, " xonerror="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*onload[^=]*=/gi, " xonload="); cStr = cStr.replace(/[\s]*href[^=]*=[\s]*["']?javascript/gi, " href=\"xjavascript"); return cStr; } function times(count) { return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this); } function inspect(useDoubleQuotes) { var escapedString = this.replace( /[\x00-\x1f\\]/g, function (character) { try { if (character in String.specialChar) return String.specialChar[character]; } catch (e) { } return '\\u00' + character.charCodeAt() } ); if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"'; return "" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + ""; } function toJSON(TF) { return this.inspect(TF || false); } function blank() { return /^\s*$/.test(this); } function isJSON() { var str = this; if (str.isBlank()) return false; str = this.replace(/\\./g, '@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g, ''); return (/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(str); } //" function unfilterJSON(filter) { return this.replace(filter || AXUtil.JSONFilter, '$1'); } function evalJSON(sanitize) { var json = this.unfilterJSON(); try { if (!sanitize || json.isJSON()) return eval("(" + json + ")"); else return { error: "syntaxerr", result: "syntaxerr", msg: "JSON syntax error. fail to convert Object\n" + this }; } catch (e) { return { error: "syntaxerr", result: "syntaxerr", msg: "JSON syntax error.\n" + this, body: this }; } } function queryToObject(separator) { var match = this.trim().match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/); if (!match) return {}; var rs = match[1].split(separator || '&'); var returnObj = {}; var i = 0; while (i < rs.length) { var pair = rs[i].split("="); var k = pair[0], v = pair[1]; if (returnObj[k] != undefined) { if (!Object.isArray(returnObj[k])) returnObj[k] = [returnObj[k]]; returnObj[k].push(v); } else { returnObj[k] = v; } i++; } return returnObj; } function crlf(replaceTarget, replacer) { return this.replace((replaceTarget || /\n/g), (replacer || "
")); } function ecrlf(replaceTarget, replacer) { return this.replace((replaceTarget || /%0A/g), (replacer || "
")); } function formatDigit(length, padder) { var string = this; return (padder || '0').times(length - string.length) + string; } function getFileName() { var sToMatch = this; var reAt = /[\/\\]?([^\/\\]?\.?[^\/\\]+)$/; var reArr = sToMatch.match(reAt); return RegExp.$1; } function toColor(sharp) { var colorValue = ""; if (this.left(3) == "rgb") { var val = this; var reAt = /rgb\((.+)\)/; val.match(reAt); var vals = RegExp.$1.split(", "); for (var a = 0; a < vals.length; a++) { vals[a] = vals[a].number().setDigit(2, '0', 16); } colorValue = vals.join(""); } else { colorValue = this.replace("#", ""); } var preFix = (sharp) ? "#" : ""; return preFix + colorValue; } function toMoney() { return this.number().money(); } function toByte() { return this.number().byte(); } function lcase() { return this.toLowerCase(); } function ucase() { return this.toUpperCase(); } function getByte() { var valueByte = this.length; for (i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) if (this.charCodeAt(i) > 128) valueByte++; return valueByte; } function toPhoneString() { if (this == "") return this; var _this = this.replace(/\D+/g, ""); var myLocalNums = ""; var num1 = "", num2 = ""; var localNum = "031/032/033/041/042/043/051/052/053/054/055/061/062/063/064/010/011/016/017/019/070/080/060" if (_this.left(2) == "02") { myLocalNums = "02"; } else { var localNums = localNum.split(/\//g); var tempNum = _this.left(3); jQuery.each(localNums, function () { if (this == tempNum) { myLocalNums = this; return false; } }); } if (myLocalNums == "") { myLocalNums = "02"; if (_this.length > 7) { num1 = _this.substr(0, 4); num2 = _this.substr(4); } else { num1 = _this.substr(0, 3); num2 = _this.substr(3); } } else { try { var snum = myLocalNums.length; if ((_this.length - snum) > 7) { num1 = _this.substr(snum, 4); num2 = _this.substr(snum + 4); } else { num1 = _this.substr(snum, 3); num2 = _this.substr(snum + 3); } } catch (e) { //trace(e); } } var returnString = myLocalNums; if (num1 != "") returnString += "-" + num1; if (num2 != "") returnString += "-" + num2; return returnString; } function getAnchorData() { var idx = this.indexOf("#", 0); if(idx < 0) return ""; var cnt = this.length; var str = this.substring(idx + 1, cnt); return str; } function print() { return this; } return { left: left, right: right, dec: dec, decode: dec, enc: enc, object: object, array: array, date: toDate, number: toNum, num: parseF, money: toMoney, byte: toByte, trim: strip, delHtml: stripTags, delScript: stripScript, removeScript: stripScript, times: times, inspect: inspect, toJSON: toJSON, isBlank: blank, isJSON: isJSON, unfilterJSON: unfilterJSON, evalJSON: evalJSON, queryToObject: queryToObject, crlf: crlf, ecrlf: ecrlf, setDigit: formatDigit, getFileName: getFileName, toColor: toColor, lcase: lcase, ucase: ucase, getByte: getByte, phone: toPhoneString, getAnchorData: getAnchorData, print: print } })()); Object.extend(Number.prototype, (function () { function left(strLen) { return this.toString().substr(0, strLen); } function right(strLen) { return this.toString().substring(this.toString().length - strLen, this.toString().length); } function toMoney() { var txtNumber = '' + this; if (isNaN(txtNumber) || txtNumber == "") { return ""; } else { var rxSplit = new RegExp('([0-9])([0-9][0-9][0-9][,.])'); var arrNumber = txtNumber.split('.'); arrNumber[0] += '.'; do { arrNumber[0] = arrNumber[0].replace(rxSplit, '$1,$2'); } while (rxSplit.test(arrNumber[0])); if (arrNumber.length > 1) { return arrNumber.join(''); } else { return arrNumber[0].split('.')[0]; } } } function toByte() { var n_unit = "KB"; var myByte = this / 1024; if (myByte / 1024 > 1) { n_unit = "MB"; myByte = myByte / 1024; } if (myByte / 1024 > 1) { n_unit = "GB"; myByte = myByte / 1024; } return myByte.round(1) + n_unit; } function toNum() { return this; } function formatDigit(length, padder, radix) { var string = this.toString(radix || 10); return (padder || '0').times(length - string.length) + string; } function range(start) { var ra = []; for (var a = (start || 0) ; a < this + 1; a++) ra.push(a); return ra; } function toJSON() { return this; } function abs() { return Math.abs(this); } function round(digit) { return Math.round(this * Math.pow(10, (digit || 0))) / Math.pow(10, (digit || 0)); } function ceil() { return Math.ceil(this); } function floor() { return Math.floor(this); } function date() { return new Date(this); } function div(divisor) { if (divisor != 0) { return this / divisor; } else { return 0; } } function none() { return this; } function times(count) { return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this.toString()); } function phone() { var txtNumber = '' + this; return txtNumber.phone(); } return { left: left, right: right, abs: abs, round: round, ceil: ceil, floor: floor, money: toMoney, byte: toByte, num: toNum, number: toNum, setDigit: formatDigit, date: date, div: div, dec: none, enc: none, rangeFrom: range, toJSON: toJSON, times: times, phone: phone } })()); Object.extend(Date.prototype, (function () { function dateAdd(daynum, interval) { interval = interval || "d"; var interval = interval.toLowerCase(); var DyMilli = ((1000 * 60) * 60) * 24; var aDate = new Date(this.getUTCFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 12); if (interval == "d") { aDate.setTime(this.getTime() + (daynum * DyMilli)); } else if (interval == "m") { var yy = aDate.getFullYear(); var mm = aDate.getMonth(); var dd = aDate.getDate(); /*if (mm == 0 && dd == 1) yy += 1;*/ yy = yy + parseInt(daynum / 12); mm += daynum % 12; var mxdd = AXUtil.dayLen(yy, mm); if (mxdd < dd) dd = mxdd; aDate = new Date(yy, mm, dd, 12); } else if (interval == "y") { aDate.setTime(this.getTime() + ((daynum * 365) * DyMilli)); } else { } return aDate; } function dayDiff(edDate, tp) { var DyMilli = ((1000 * 60) * 60) * 24; //trace(this.print() +"/"+ edDate.print() + "//" + ((edDate.date() - this) / DyMilli) + "//" + ((edDate.date() - this) / DyMilli).floor()); var y1 = this.getFullYear(); var m1 = this.getMonth(); var d1 = this.getDate(); var hh1 = this.getHours(); var mm1 = this.getMinutes(); var dd1 = new Date(y1, m1, d1, hh1, mm1, this.getSeconds()); var day2 = edDate.date(); var y2 = day2.getFullYear(); var m2 = day2.getMonth(); var d2 = day2.getDate(); var hh2 = day2.getHours(); var mm2 = day2.getMinutes(); var dd2 = new Date(y2, m2, d2, hh2, mm2, this.getSeconds()); if (tp != undefined) { if (tp == "D") { DyMilli = ((1000 * 60) * 60) * 24; dd2 = new Date(y2, m2, d2, hh1, mm1, this.getSeconds()); } else if (tp == "H") { DyMilli = ((1000 * 60) * 60); } else if (tp == "mm") { DyMilli = (1000 * 60); } else { DyMilli = ((1000 * 60) * 60) * 24; dd2 = new Date(y2, m2, d2, hh1, mm1, this.getSeconds()); } } return ((dd2.getTime() - dd1.getTime()) / DyMilli).floor(); } function toString(format) { if (format == undefined) { var sSeper = "-"; return this.getUTCFullYear() + sSeper + (this.getMonth() + 1).setDigit(2) + sSeper + this.getDate().setDigit(2); } else { var fStr = format; var nY, nM, nD, nH, nMM, nS, nDW; nY = this.getUTCFullYear(); nM = (this.getMonth() + 1).setDigit(2); nD = this.getDate().setDigit(2); nH = this.getHours().setDigit(2); nMM = this.getMinutes().setDigit(2); nS = this.getSeconds().setDigit(2); nDW = this.getDay(); var yre = /[^y]*(y{0,4})[^y]*/gi; yre.test(fStr); var regY = RegExp.$1; var mre = /[^m]*(m{2})[^m]*/gi; mre.test(fStr); var regM = RegExp.$1; var dre = /[^d]*(d{1,2})[^d]*/gi; dre.test(fStr); var regD = RegExp.$1; var hre = /[^h]*(h{2})[^d]*/gi; hre.test(fStr); var regH = RegExp.$1; var mire = /[^mi]*(mi)[^mi]*/gi; mire.test(fStr); var regMI = RegExp.$1; var sre = /[^s]*(s{2})[^s]*/gi; sre.test(fStr); var regS = RegExp.$1; var dwre = /[^d]*(dw)[^w]*/gi; dwre.test(fStr); var regDW = RegExp.$1; if (regY) { fStr = fStr.replace(regY, nY.right(regY.length)); } if (regM) { if (regM.length == 1) nM = (this.getMonth() + 1); fStr = fStr.replace(regM, nM); } if (regD) { if (regD.length == 1) nD = this.getDate(); fStr = fStr.replace(regD, nD); } if (regH) { fStr = fStr.replace(regH, nH); } if (regMI) { fStr = fStr.replace(regMI, nMM); } if (regS) { fStr = fStr.replace(regS, nS); } if (regS) { fStr = fStr.replace(regDW, AXConfig.weekDays[nDW].label); } return fStr; } } function getTimeAgo() { var rtnStr = "" var nMinute = Math.abs((new Date()).diff(this, "mm")); var wknames = [] wknames.push("일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토"); if (isNaN(nMinute)) { rtnStr = "알수없음"; } else { if (parseInt(nMinute / 60 / 24) >= 1) { rtnStr = this.print("yyyy년 mm월 dd일") + " " + wknames[this.getDay()]; } else { rtnStr = nMinute; if ((nMinute / 60) > 1) { rtnStr = parseInt(nMinute / 60) + "시간 " + (nMinute % 60) + "분 전"; } else { rtnStr = nMinute + "분 전"; } } } return rtnStr; } function date() { return this; } function toJSON() { return '"' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (this.getUTCMonth() + 1).setDigit(2) + '-' + this.getUTCDate().setDigit(2) + 'T' + this.getUTCHours().setDigit(2) + ':' + this.getUTCMinutes().setDigit(2) + ':' + this.getUTCSeconds().setDigit(2) + 'Z"'; } return { add: dateAdd, diff: dayDiff, print: toString, date: date, toJSON: toJSON, getTimeAgo: getTimeAgo } })()); Object.extend(Error.prototype, (function () { function print() { return (this.number & 0xFFFF) + " : " + this; } return { print: print } })()); Object.extend(Array.prototype, (function () { function clear() { this.length = 0; return this; } function first() { return this[0]; } function last() { return this[this.length - 1]; } function getToSeq(seq) { if (seq > (this.length - 1)) { return null; } else { return this[seq]; } } function toJSON(qoute) { var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) results.push(Object.toJSON(this[i], qoute)); return '[' + results.join(', ') + ']'; } function toJSONforMobile() { var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) results.push(Object.toJSONforMobile(this[i])); return '[' + results.join(', ') + ']'; } function remove(callBack) { var _self = this; var collect = []; jQuery.each(this, function (index, O) { if (!callBack.call({ index: index, item: O }, index, O)) collect.push(O); }); return collect; } function search(callBack) { var _self = this; var collect = []; jQuery.each(this, function (index, O) { if (callBack.call({ index: index, item: O }, index, O)) collect.push(O); }); return collect.length; } function getObject(callBack) { var _self = this; var collect = []; jQuery.each(this, function (index, O) { if (callBack.call({ index: index, item: O }, index, O)) collect.push(O); }); return collect; } function hasObject(callBack) { var _self = this; var collect = null; jQuery.each(this, function (index, O) { if (callBack.call({ index: index, item: O }, index, O)) { collect = O; return false; } }); return collect; } /* 13-06-13 메소드 확장 */ function getMinObject(key) { var tempArray = this.concat(); tempArray = tempArray.sort(function (pItem, nItem) { var v1 = pItem[key]; var v2 = nItem[key]; if (v1 < v2) return -1; else if (v1 > v2) return 1; else if (v1 == v2) return 0; }); return (tempArray.first() || {}); } function getMaxObject(key) { var tempArray = this.concat(); tempArray = tempArray.sort(function (pItem, nItem) { var v1 = pItem[key]; var v2 = nItem[key]; if (v1 < v2) return 1; else if (v1 > v2) return -1; else if (v1 == v2) return 0; }); return (tempArray.first() || {}); } function m_notall(context) { context = context || function (x) { return x; }; var result = true; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { result = !Boolean(context(this[i])); if (!result) break; i++; } return result; } function m_any(context) { context = context || function (x) { return x; }; var result = false; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { result = Boolean(context(this[i], i)); if (result) break; i++; } return result; } function m_find(context) { context = context || function (x) { return false; }; var myselect; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { if (context(this[i], i)) { myselect = this[i]; break; } i++; } return myselect; } function m_find2(context) { if (!Object.isFunction(context)) { findObj = context; context = function (x) { return (x == findObj); } } var myselect, myindex; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { if (context(this[i], i)) { myselect = this[i]; myindex = i; break; } i++; } return { obj: myselect, index: myindex }; } function m_findAll(context) { context = context || function (x) { return false; }; var myselect = [];; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { if (context(this[i], i)) myselect.push(this[i]); i++; } return myselect; } function convertTree(parentKey, childKey, hashDigit) { var tree = []; var pointer = {}; var seq = 0; var hashDigit = hashDigit || 3; for (var idx = 0; idx < this.length; idx++) { var L = this[idx]; if (!L.isRoot) { pointer[L[childKey]] = idx; if (L[parentKey].number() == 0) { L["subTree"] = []; L.__subTreeLength = 0; L["pHash"] = "0".setDigit(hashDigit); L["hash"] = "0".setDigit(hashDigit) + "_" + seq.setDigit(hashDigit); tree.push(AXUtil.copyObject(L)); seq++; } else { L.__subTreeLength = 0; } } } for (var idx = 0; idx < this.length; idx++) { var L = this[idx]; if (L["pHash"] == undefined && !L.isRoot) { var pItem = this[pointer[L[parentKey]]]; var pHash = pItem["hash"]; var pHashs = pHash.split(/_/g); var pTree = tree; var pTreeItem; jQuery.each(pHashs, function (idx, T) { if (idx > 0) { pTreeItem = pTree[T.number()]; pTree = pTree[T.number()].subTree; } }); L["subTree"] = []; var __subTreeLength = pItem.__subTreeLength; L["pHash"] = pHash; L["hash"] = pHash + "_" + __subTreeLength.setDigit(hashDigit); pTree.push(AXUtil.copyObject(L)); pItem.__subTreeLength++; pTreeItem.__subTreeLength = pItem.__subTreeLength; } } return tree; } function getIndex(context) { if (!Object.isFunction(context)) { findObj = context; context = function (x) { return (x == findObj); } } var findObject, findIndex; var i = 0; while (i < this.length) { var sobj = { index: i, item: this[i] }; if (context.call(sobj, sobj)) { findObject = this[i]; findIndex = i; break; } i++; } return { item: findObject, index: findIndex }; } return { clear: clear, first: first, last: last, getToSeq: getToSeq, toJSON: toJSON, toJSONforMobile: toJSONforMobile, remove: remove, search: search, has: hasObject, searchObject: getObject, getMinObject: getMinObject, getMaxObject: getMaxObject, not: m_notall, or: m_any, get: m_find, gets: m_findAll, getObj: m_find2, getIndex: getIndex, convertTree: convertTree } })()); /* **************************** extend implement block ** */ function AXgetId(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function AX_A(iterable) { if (!iterable) return []; if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray(); var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length); while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length]; return results; } /* jQuery 1.9 bug fix */ var AXConfig = { weekDays: [ { label: "일" }, { label: "월" }, { label: "화" }, { label: "수" }, { label: "목" }, { label: "금" }, { label: "토" } ], AXReq: { async: true, // AJAX 비동기 처리 여부 okCode: "ok", // 통신 성공 코드 responseType: "", // AJAX responseType dataType: "", // AJAX return Data type contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", // AJAX contentType dataSendMethod: "parameter", // AJAX parameter send type crossDomain: false, resultFormatter: function () { // onsucc formatter return this; } }, AXGrid: { passiveMode: false, passiveRemoveHide: false, fitToWidthRightMargin: 10, fitToWidth: false, pageSize: 10, pageHeight: 400, keyResult: "result", keyList: "list", emptyListMSG: "목록이 없습니다." }, AXTree: { fitToWidthRightMargin: 10, fitToWidth: false, pageSize: 10, pageHeight: 400, keyResult: "result", keyTree: "tree", keyList: "list", emptyListMSG: "목록이 없습니다." }, AXProgress: { cancelMsg: "프로세스를 취소 하시겠습니까?" }, AXUpload5: { buttonTxt: "Upload files", deleteConfirm: "정말 삭제하시겠습니까?", uploadSelectTxt: "업로드 하실 파일을 선택해주세요.", dropZoneTxt: "업로드할 파일을 여기에 놓습니다." }, AXModal: { contentDivClass: "bodyHeightDiv" }, AXInput: { errorPrintType: "toast", selectorOptionEmpty: "목록이 없습니다." } }; var AXUtil = { async: true, ajaxOkCode: "ok", ajaxResponseType: "", ajaxDataType: "", gridPassiveMode: false, gridPassiveRemoveHide: false, gridFitToWidthRightMargin: 10, browser: (function () { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var mobile = (ua.search(/mobile/g) != -1) ? true : false; if (ua.search(/iphone/g) != -1) { return { name: "iphone", version: 0, mobile: true } } else if (ua.search(/ipad/g) != -1) { return { name: "ipad", version: 0, mobile: true } } else if (ua.search(/android/g) != -1) { return { name: "android", version: 0, mobile: mobile } } else { var browserName = ""; var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || []; var browser = (match[1] || ""); var browserVersion = (match[2] || "0"); if (browser == "msie") browser = "ie"; return { name: browser, version: browserVersion, mobile: mobile } } })(), docTD: (function () { if (!document.compatMode || document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') return "Q"; else return "S"; })(), timekey: function () { var d = new Date(); return ("A" + d.getHours().setDigit(2) + d.getMinutes().setDigit(2) + d.getSeconds().setDigit(2) + d.getMilliseconds()); }, overwriteObject: function (tg, obj, rewrite) { if (rewrite == undefined) rewrite = true; //trace(tg[k]); if (obj) jQuery.each(obj, function (k, v) { if (rewrite) { tg[k] = v; } else { //trace(tg[k]); if (tg[k] == undefined) tg[k] = v; } }); return tg; }, copyObject: function (obj) { //return Object.clone(obj); return Object.toJSON(obj).object(); }, consonantKR: function (cword) { var cons = [ { c: "ㄱ", re: "[가-깋]" }, { c: "ㄲ", re: "[까-낗]" }, { c: "ㄴ", re: "[나-닣]" }, { c: "ㄷ", re: "[다-딯]" }, { c: "ㄸ", re: "[따-띻]" }, { c: "ㄹ", re: "[라-맇]" }, { c: "ㅁ", re: "[마-밓]" }, { c: "ㅂ", re: "[바-빟]" }, { c: "ㅃ", re: "[빠-삫]" }, { c: "ㅅ", re: "[사-싷]" }, { c: "ㅆ", re: "[싸-앃]" }, { c: "ㅇ", re: "[아-잏]" }, { c: "ㅈ", re: "[자-짛]" }, { c: "ㅉ", re: "[짜-찧]" }, { c: "ㅊ", re: "[차-칳]" }, { c: "ㅋ", re: "[카-킿]" }, { c: "ㅌ", re: "[타-팋]" }, { c: "ㅍ", re: "[파-핗]" }, { c: "ㅎ", re: "[하-힣]" } ]; var rword = ""; var cwords = cword.split(""); jQuery.each(cwords, function (i, n) { var fos = cons.searchObject(function () { return this.item.c == n; }); var fo = fos.first(); if (fo) rword += fo.re; else rword += n; }); return rword; }, setCookie: function (name, value, expiredays) { if (expiredays) { var todayDate = new Date(); todayDate.setDate(todayDate.getDate() + expiredays); document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + '; path=/; expires=' + todayDate.toGMTString() + ';'; } else { document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + '; path=/;'; } }, getCookie: function (name) { var nameOfCookie = name + "="; var x = 0; while (x <= document.cookie.length) { var y = (x + nameOfCookie.length); if (document.cookie.substring(x, y) == nameOfCookie) { if ((endOfCookie = document.cookie.indexOf(";", y)) == -1) endOfCookie = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(y, endOfCookie)); } x = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", x) + 1; if (x == 0) break; } return ""; }, JSONFilter: /^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/, dayLen: function (y, m) { if ([3, 5, 8, 10].has(function () { return this.item == m; })) { return 30; } else if (m == 1) { return (((y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0)) || (y % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28; 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} else if (type == "boolean" || type == "number" || type == "string") { objStr = obji; } else if (type == "object") { objStr = Object.toJSON(obji); } if(po != "") po += ", "; po += "arg["+i+"] : " + objStr; } }else{ var type = (typeof obj).toLowerCase(); if (type == "undefined" || type == "function") { po = type; } else if (type == "boolean" || type == "number" || type == "string") { po = obj; } else if (type == "object") { po = Object.toJSON(obj); } } if (window.console == undefined) { } else { try { console.log(po); } catch (e) { } } }, alert: function (obj) { var po = ""; if(arguments.length > 1){ for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){ var obji = arguments[i]; var objStr = ""; var type = (typeof obji).toLowerCase(); if (type == "undefined" || type == "function") { objStr = type; } else if (type == "boolean" || type == "number" || type == "string") { objStr = obji; } else if (type == "object") { objStr = Object.toJSON(obji); } if(po != "") po += ", "; po += "arguments["+i+"] : " + objStr; } }else{ var type = (typeof obj).toLowerCase(); if (type == "undefined" || type == "function") { po = type; } else if (type == "boolean" || type == "number" || type == "string") { po = obj; } else if (type == "object") { po = Object.toJSON(obj); } } alert(po); }, confirm: function (obj) { var po = ""; var type = (typeof obj).toLowerCase(); if (type == "undefined" || type == "function") { po = type; } else if (type == "boolean" || type == "number" || type == "string") { po = obj; } else if (type == "object") { po = Object.toJSON(obj); } var result = confirm(po); return result; }, importJS: function (src) { var scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); scriptElement.setAttribute("src", src); scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(scriptElement); }, bindPlaceholder: function () { }, isEmpty: function (val) { return (val == "" || val == null || val == undefined) ? true : false; }, getUrlInfo: function () { var url, url_param, param, referUrl, pathName, AXparam, pageProtocol, pageHostName; url_param = window.location.href; param = window.location.search; referUrl = document.referrer; pathName = window.location.pathname; url = url_param.replace(param, ''); param = param.replace(/^\?/, ''); pageProtocol = window.location.protocol; pageHostName = window.location.hostname; AXparam = url_param.replace(pageProtocol + "//", ""); if (param){ AXparam = AXparam.replace(pageHostName + pathName + "?" + param , ""); }else{ AXparam = AXparam.replace(pageHostName + pathName, ""); } pageInfo = {}; pageInfo.url = url; pageInfo.param = param; pageInfo.anchorData = AXparam; pageInfo.urlParam = url_param; pageInfo.referUrl = referUrl; pageInfo.pathName = pathName; pageInfo.protocol = pageProtocol; pageInfo.hostName = pageHostName; return pageInfo; }, encParam: function (str) { var re = new RegExp("[^&?]*?=[^&?]*", "ig"); var pars = []; var arr; while ((arr = re.exec(str)) != null) { var strContent = arr.toString(); var dotIndex = strContent.indexOf("="); pars.push(strContent.substring(0, dotIndex) + "=" + strContent.substring(dotIndex + 1).enc()); } return pars.join("&"); } }; var trace = AXUtil.console; var getUrlInfo = AXUtil.getUrlInfo; /* ** AXJ ********************************************** */ var AXJ = Class.create({ version: "AXJ - v1.0", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2012-09-28 오후 2:58:32 - 시작" ], initialize: function () { this.config = { debugMode: false, hashSpliter: "_" }; }, init: function () { trace(Object.toJSON(this.config)); }, info: function (dispType) { if (dispType == undefined || dispType == "console") trace(this.version + "\n" + this.logs.join("\n")); else if (dispType == "alert") AXUtil.alert(this.version + "\n" + this.logs.join("\n")); else if (dispType == "return") return this.version + "\n" + this.logs.join("\n"); }, echo: function (msg, mtype) { if (mtype == undefined || mtype == "console") trace(msg); else if (mtype == "alert") AXUtil.alert(msg); else if (mtype == "toast") toast.push(msg); else if (mtype == "dialog") dialog.push(msg); }, setConfig: function (configs) { var _self = this; if (configs) jQuery.each(configs, function (k, v) { _self.config[k] = v; }); this.init(); }, changeConfig: function (configs) { var _self = this; if (configs) jQuery.each(configs, function (k, v) { _self.config[k] = v; }); }, getEventTarget: function (arg) { var eventTarget = arg.evt; var eid = (eventTarget.id) ? eventTarget.id.split(/_AX_/g) : []; if (eventTarget) { while (!arg.find(eventTarget, eid)) { if (!eventTarget.parentNode) { eventTarget = null; break; } if (arg.until) { if (arg.until(eventTarget, eid)) { eventTarget = null; break; } } if (eventTarget.parentNode) { eventTarget = eventTarget.parentNode; eid = (eventTarget.id) ? eventTarget.id.split(/_AX_/g) : []; } else { //trace("break"); break; } } } return eventTarget; }, getMousePositon: function (event) { var eventDoc, doc, body; eventDoc = document; doc = eventDoc.documentElement; body = eventDoc.body; var css = {}; //trace({ cy: event.clientY, st: (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0), ct: (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0) }); css.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); 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this.busy = false; }, add: function (obj) { this.que.push(obj); try { this.start(); } catch (e) { //AXUtil.alert(e); } }, start: function () { if (this.que.length == 0) return; if (this.busy) return; this.busy = true; var myQue = this.que.first(); var _self = this; var config = { type: "post", onsucc: "", async: AXConfig.AXReq.async, responseType: AXConfig.AXReq.responseType, dataType: AXConfig.AXReq.dataType, contentType: AXConfig.AXReq.contentType, debug: false }; jQuery.each(myQue.configs, function (k, v) { // update to {this.config} if (k == "pars") { } else { config[k] = v; } }); var onerr = this.onerror.bind(this); var ontimeout = this.ontimeout.bind(this); var onsucc = this.onsucc.bind(this); if (AXConfig.AXReq.dataSendMethod != "json") { } else { if (typeof myQue.configs.pars == "object") { myQue.configs.pars.dummy = AXUtil.timekey(); } else if (typeof myQue.configs.pars == "string") { if (myQue.configs.pars == "") myQue.configs.pars += "dummy=" + AXUtil.timekey(); else myQue.configs.pars += "&dummy=" + AXUtil.timekey(); } } if (config.debug) trace({ url: myQue.url, pars: myQue.configs.pars }); var ajaxOption = {}; jQuery.each(config, function (k, v) { // update to {this.config} ajaxOption[k] = v; }); ajaxOption.url = myQue.url; if (AXConfig.AXReq.dataSendMethod == "json") ajaxOption["data"] = "{queryString:\"" + myQue.configs.pars + "\"}"; else ajaxOption["data"] = myQue.configs.pars; ajaxOption.success = onsucc; ajaxOption.error = onerr; ajaxOption.timeout = ontimeout; jQuery.ajax(ajaxOption); }, onsucc: function (req) { if (req != undefined) { var myQue = this.que.first(); try { if (myQue.configs.debug) trace("onsucc" + req); if(myQue.configs.responseType == "text/html"){ var res = req; }else{ if ((typeof req) == "string") { var res = req.object(); } else { var res = AXConfig.AXReq.resultFormatter.call(req); } } if (res.result == "syntaxerr") { if (myQue.configs.onerr) myQue.configs.onerr(res); } else { if (myQue.configs.onsucc) myQue.configs.onsucc(res); } } catch (e) { if(myQue.configs.responseType == "text/html"){ }else{ res.e = e; } if (myQue.configs.onerr) myQue.configs.onerr(res); } this.que.shift(); this.busy = false; this.start(); } }, onerror: function (req) { var myQue = this.que.first(); if (myQue.configs.onerr) myQue.configs.onerr(req); else trace("error : " + Object.toJSON(req)); this.que.shift(); this.busy = false; try { mask.close(); } catch (e) { } }, ontimeout: function (req) { trace("onTimeout:" + req.responseText); this.que.shift(); this.busy = false; try { mask.close(); } catch (e) { } } }); var myAXreqQue = new AXReqQue(); var AXReq = Class.create({ version: "AXReq v1.0", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2012-09-28 오후 2:58:32 - 시작" ], initialize: function (url, configs) { if (window.location.toString().left(4) != "http") { //dialog.push("현재 파일시스템으로 샘플 코드를 보고 계십니다. ajax 통신 관련한 기능은 정상 작동하지 않게 됩니다. "); } myAXreqQue.add({ url: url, configs: configs }); } }); /* ********************************************** AXReq ** */ /* ** AXMask ********************************************** */ var AXMask = Class.create(AXJ, { version: "AXMask v1.0", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2012-10-06 오후 4:17:59" ], initialize: function (AXJ_super) { AXJ_super(); this.selects = []; this.config.maskClassName = "AXMask"; this.config.content = "disable content"; this.config.maskZindex = "2000"; this.blinkTrack = []; }, init: function () { this.mask = jQuery("
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"); } else if (config.type == "dialog") { this.dialogTray = jQuery("
"); //dialog type display center; } }, push: function (obj) { var config = this.config; var breadID = config.targetID + "" + this.lasBreadSeq; this.lasBreadSeq++; var po = []; if ((typeof obj).toLowerCase() != "object") { po.push("
"); if (config.type == "dialog") { po.push("
" + (obj.title || "Dialog Message") + "
"); } po.push("
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" + (obj.title || "Dialog Message") + "
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"); } else if (config.type == "dialog") { po.push("
"); po.push(" "); po.push("
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"); po.push("
"); } if (config.type == "toast") { if (!AXgetId(config.targetID)) jQuery(document.body).append(this.toastTray); this.bread.push({ breadID: breadID, type: obj.type, html: po.join('').enc() }); this.insertBread(); } else if (config.type == "dialog") { if (!AXgetId(config.targetID)) jQuery(document.body).append(this.dialogTray); this.dialogTray.prepend(po.join('')); mask.open(); var bodyWidth = (AXUtil.docTD == "Q") ? document.body.clientWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth; var l = bodyWidth / 2 - this.dialogTray.width() / 2; this.dialogTray.css({ left: l + "px" }); jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).fadeIn(); var endCheck = this.endCheck.bind(this); //Confirm button jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID + "_AX_confirm").bind("click", function () { if (obj.onConfirm) obj.onConfirm(obj.data); jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).fadeOut({ duration: config.easing.close.duration, easing: config.easing.close.easing, complete: function () { jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).remove(); endCheck(); } }); }); //AXBUTTON jQuery(".AXNotificationButtons").find(".AXButton").bind("click", function (event) { var eid = event.target.id.split(/_AX_/g); var myBreadID = eid[1]; var buttonSeq = eid.last(); if (obj.buttons) { if (obj.buttons[buttonSeq]) { if (obj.buttons[buttonSeq].onClick) obj.buttons[buttonSeq].onClick(obj.buttons[buttonSeq].data); } } jQuery("#bread_AX_" + myBreadID).fadeOut({ duration: config.easing.close.duration, easing: config.easing.close.easing, complete: function () { jQuery("#bread_AX_" + myBreadID).remove(); endCheck(); } }); }); jQuery(".AXNotificationButtons").find(".AXButton").get(0).focus(); } }, insertBread: function () { var config = this.config; if (this.bread.length == 0) { return; } if (this.busy) return; this.busy = true; var nextBread = this.nextBread.bind(this); var endCheck = this.endCheck.bind(this); var myQue = this.bread.first(); var breadID = myQue.breadID; jQuery("#" + config.targetID).prepend(myQue.html.decode()); jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID + "_AX_confirm").bind("click", function () { jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).fadeOut({ duration: config.easing.close.duration, easing: config.easing.close.easing, complete: function () { jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).remove(); endCheck(); } }); }); jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).slideDown({ duration: config.easing.open.duration, easing: config.easing.open.easing, complete: function () { nextBread(); //jQuery("#msg").html(jQuery("#msg").html()+"
"+AXgetId("bread_AX_"+breadID)+"/"+breadID); if (myQue.type != "Caution") { setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).fadeOut({ duration: config.easing.close.duration, easing: config.easing.close.easing, complete: function () { jQuery("#bread_AX_" + breadID).remove(); endCheck(); } }); }, config.eatUpTime); } } }); }, nextBread: function () { this.bread.shift(); this.busy = false; this.insertBread(); }, endCheck: function () { if (jQuery("#" + this.config.targetID).html() == "") { this.lasBreadSeq = 0; if (this.config.type == "dialog") { mask.close(); } } } }); var toast = new AXNotification(); toast.setConfig({ targetID: "basicToast", type: "toast" }); var dialog = new AXNotification(); dialog.setConfig({ targetID: "basicDialog", type: "dialog" }); /* ********************************************** AXNotification ** */ /* ** AXScroll ********************************************** */ var AXScroll = Class.create(AXJ, { version: "AXScroll v1.3", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2012-10-10 오전 11:17:34", "2013-01-08 오후 2:33:39 스크롤대상을 스크롤바에서 컨테이너 기준으로 변경 - root", "2013-01-09 오후 1:29:26 mobile 환경에서 클릭버그수정 - tom", "2013-01-11 오후 4:18:21 스크롤바 드래그시 컨테이너 top 계산 수정-root", "2013-01-11 오후 5:18:54 컨테이너와 스크롤타겟의 높이에 따른 스크롤바표시 관련 수정-root", "2013-01-31 오후 3:10:02 스크롤바가 최소일때 휠 및 드래그 계산수정-root ", "2013-02-08 오후 5:48:26 컨테이너가 스크롤타켓보다 길때 휠 함수 중단 처리 - tom", "2013-02-16 오후 4:13:16 unbind 후 다시 bind할때 생기는 이벤트 중첩현상 처리 - tom", "2013-08-01 오후 4:54:17 mobile touch 버그픽스 - tom ", "2013-10-16 오후 6:45:48 mobile 스크롤 속도문제 패치 - tom", "2013-11-28 오전 11:23:11 tom - AX scrollTop 메소드 추가" ], initialize: function (AXJ_super) { AXJ_super(); this.config.CT_className = "AXScroll"; this.config.ST_className = "scrollTarget"; this.scrollBarMove = false; this.scrollBarAttr = {}; this.Observer = null; this.config.touchDirection = false; this.minHeightSB = { TF: false, h: 0 }; }, init: function () { var config = this.config; if (Object.isUndefined(config.targetID)) { trace("need targetID - setConfig({targetID:''})"); return; } if (Object.isUndefined(config.scrollID)) { trace("need scrollID - setConfig({scrollID:''})"); return; } this.scrollTargetID = jQuery("#" + config.targetID); this.scrollScrollID = jQuery("#" + config.scrollID); this.scrollTargetID.addClass(this.config.CT_className); this.scrollScrollID.addClass(this.config.ST_className); this.initScroll(); this.bindEvent(); }, initScroll: function () { var config = this.config; if (!this.scroll) { var po = []; po.push("
"); po.push("
"); this.scrollTargetID.append(po.join('')); this.scroll = true; this.scrollTrack = jQuery("#" + config.targetID + "_AX_scrollTrack"); this.scrollBar = jQuery("#" + config.targetID + "_AX_scrollBar"); } var CTheight = this.scrollTargetID.innerHeight(); var CTwidth = this.scrollTargetID.innerWidth(); this.scrollTrack.css({ height: CTheight - 4 }); this.scrollScrollID.css({ width: CTwidth }); var Cheight = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); var SBheight = CTheight * (CTheight - 4) / Cheight; this.scrollBar.css({ height: Math.ceil(SBheight) }); if (SBheight < 10) { this.minHeightSB.TF = true; this.minHeightSB.h = SBheight; } if (CTheight == Cheight || CTheight > Cheight) { this.scrollTrack.hide(); this.scrollBar.hide(); } else { this.scrollTrack.show(); this.scrollBar.show(); } }, resizeScroll: function () { this.initScroll(); }, bindEvent: function () { var config = this.config; var CTheight = this.scrollTargetID.innerHeight(); var Cheight = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); /* event 선언자 */ var tractActive = this.tractActive.bind(this); this.tractActiveBind = function (event) { tractActive(event); } var tractInActive = this.tractInActive.bind(this); this.tractInActiveBind = function (event) { tractInActive(event); } var cancelEvent = this.cancelEvent.bind(this); this.cancelEventBind = function (event) { cancelEvent(event); } var SBonMouseDown = this.SBonMouseDown.bind(this); this.SBonMouseDownBind = function (event) { SBonMouseDown(event); } var SBonMouseMove = this.SBonMouseMove.bind(this); this.SBonMouseMoveBind = function (event) { SBonMouseMove(event); } var SBonMouseUp = this.SBonMouseUp.bind(this); this.SBonMouseUpBind = function (event) { SBonMouseUp(event); } this.SBonWheelBind = this.SBonWheel.bind(this); var SBtouchstart = this.SBtouchstart.bind(this); this.SBtouchstartBind = function (event) { SBtouchstart(event); } /* event 선언자 */ this.scrollTargetID.bind("mouseover", this.tractActiveBind); this.scrollTargetID.bind("mouseout", this.tractInActiveBind); this.scrollBar.bind("dragstart", this.cancelEventBind); this.scrollBar.bind("mousedown", this.SBonMouseDownBind); //if(CTheight < Cheight ) { var mousewheelevt = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel"; if (document.attachEvent) { //if IE (and Opera depending on user setting) if (AXgetId(config.targetID)) AXgetId(config.targetID).attachEvent("on" + mousewheelevt, this.SBonWheelBind); } else if (document.addEventListener) { //WC3 browsers if (AXgetId(config.targetID)) AXgetId(config.targetID).addEventListener(mousewheelevt, this.SBonWheelBind, false); } if (document.addEventListener) { if (AXgetId(config.targetID)) AXgetId(config.targetID).addEventListener("touchstart", this.SBtouchstartBind, false) } //} }, tractActive: function (event) { var config = this.config; this.scrollBar.addClass("scrollBar_hover"); this.scrollTrack.addClass("scrollTrack_hover"); if (this.Observer) clearTimeout(this.Observer); //닫기 명령 제거 this.initScroll(); }, tractInActive: function (event) { var SBonWheelEnd = this.SBonWheelEnd.bind(this); this.Observer = setTimeout(function () { SBonWheelEnd(); }, 500); }, getMousePosition: function (event) { var config = this.config; var pos = this.scrollTrack.offset(); //trace(pos); var x = (event.pageX - pos.left); var y = (event.pageY - pos.top); //trace({x:x, y:y}); return { x: x, y: y }; }, getTouchPosition: function (event) { var config = this.config; var touch = event.touches[0]; var pos = this.scrollTrack.offset(); if (this.config.touchDirection) { var x = (touch.pageX - pos.left); var y = (touch.pageY - pos.top); } else { var x = (-touch.pageX - pos.left); var y = (-touch.pageY - pos.top); } return { x: x, y: y }; }, /* scrollBar event */ SBtouchstart: function (e) { var event = window.event || e; var config = this.config; var CTheight = this.scrollTargetID.innerHeight(); var Cheight = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); var Ch = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); var STh = this.scrollTrack.height(); this.CTheight = CTheight; this.Cheight = Cheight; this.Ch = Ch; this.STh = STh; if (CTheight < Cheight) { this.scrollBarMove = true; var pos = this.getTouchPosition(event); var SBpos = this.scrollBar.position(); var SBh = this.scrollBar.height(); this.scrollBarAttr = { y: (SBpos.top - pos.y).number(), h: SBh.number(), sth: STh, trackPos:this.scrollTrack.offset() }; var SBtouchend = this.SBtouchend.bind(this); this.SBtouchendBind = function () { SBtouchend(event); } var SBtouchmove = this.SBtouchmove.bind(this); this.SBtouchmoveBind = function () { SBtouchmove(event); } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("touchend", this.SBtouchendBind, false); document.addEventListener("touchmove", this.SBtouchmoveBind, false); } //if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); //else return false; } else { } this.tractActive(event); }, SBtouchend: function (e) { var event = window.event || e; var config = this.config; if (this.scrollBarMove) { this.scrollBarMove = false; this.scrollMoving = false; jQuery(document.body).removeAttr("onselectstart"); jQuery(document.body).removeClass("AXUserSelectNone"); this.scrollBar.removeClass("scrollBar_hover"); this.scrollTrack.removeClass("scrollTrack_hover"); if (document.removeEventListener) { document.removeEventListener("touchend", this.SBtouchendBind, false); document.removeEventListener("touchmove", this.SBtouchmoveBind, false); } } this.tractInActive(event); }, SBtouchmove: function (e) { var event = window.event || e; var config = this.config; if (this.scrollBarMove) { var touch = event.touches[0]; var tpos = this.scrollBarAttr.trackPos; if (this.config.touchDirection) { var x = (touch.pageX - tpos.left); var y = (touch.pageY - tpos.top); } else { var x = (-touch.pageX - tpos.left); var y = (-touch.pageY - tpos.top); } var pos = { x: x, y: y }; var SBy = pos.y + this.scrollBarAttr.y; if (SBy < 2) SBy = 2; if ((SBy + this.scrollBarAttr.h) > this.scrollBarAttr.sth) { SBy = this.scrollBarAttr.sth - this.scrollBarAttr.h + 2; } this.scrollBar.css({ top: SBy.round() }); //this.scrollBar[0].style.top = SBy.round(); this.setContentPosition(); if (this.scrollMoving == false) { jQuery(document.body).attr("onselectstart", "return false"); jQuery(document.body).addClass("AXUserSelectNone"); this.scrollBar.addClass("scrollBar_hover"); this.scrollTrack.addClass("scrollTrack_hover"); this.scrollMoving = true; } if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); else return false; } }, SBonMouseDown: function (event) { var config = this.config; this.scrollBarMove = true; var pos = this.getMousePosition(event); var SBpos = this.scrollBar.position(); var SBh = this.scrollBar.height(); var STh = this.scrollTrack.height(); var Ch = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); this.Ch = Ch; this.STh = STh; this.scrollBarAttr = { y: (SBpos.top - pos.y).number(), h: SBh.number(), sth: STh }; //trace("y:"+SBpos.top +" - "+ pos.y +", h:"+ SBh +", sth:"+STh+", calc y : "+(SBpos.top - pos.y).number()); jQuery(document.body).bind("mousemove.AXScroll", this.SBonMouseMoveBind); jQuery(document.body).bind("mouseup.AXScroll", this.SBonMouseUpBind); jQuery(document.body).bind("mouseleave.AXScroll", this.SBonMouseUpBind); }, SBonMouseMove: function (event) { var config = this.config; if (this.scrollBarMove) { jQuery(document.body).attr("onselectstart", "return false"); jQuery(document.body).addClass("AXUserSelectNone"); var pos = this.getMousePosition(event); var SBy = pos.y + this.scrollBarAttr.y; //trace(SBy +" = "+ pos.y +"+"+ this.scrollBarAttr.y); if (SBy < 2) SBy = 2; if ((SBy + this.scrollBarAttr.h) > this.scrollBarAttr.sth) { SBy = this.scrollBarAttr.sth - this.scrollBarAttr.h + 2; //trace(SBy) } this.scrollBar.css({ top: SBy }); this.setContentPosition(); //this.setScrollbarPositionForWheel(); } }, SBonMouseUp: function (event) { if (this.scrollBarMove) { var config = this.config; this.scrollBarMove = false; jQuery(document.body).removeAttr("onselectstart"); jQuery(document.body).removeClass("AXUserSelectNone"); } jQuery(document.body).unbind("mousemove.AXScroll"); jQuery(document.body).unbind("mouseup.AXScroll"); jQuery(document.body).unbind("mouseleave.AXScroll"); }, SBonWheel: function (e) { //content top handle var config = this.config; var event = (window.event || e); var delta = event.detail ? event.detail * (-10) : event.wheelDelta //check for detail first so Opera uses that instead of wheelDelta var Sy = this.scrollScrollID.position().top; var Sh = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); var TGh = this.scrollTargetID.height(); //trace(Sh+" + "+Sy+" < "+TGh ); if (Sh < TGh) return; //스크롤 할 대상이 없음 2013-02-08 오후 5:48:07 tom@axmods.com var eventCancle = false; Sy += delta; if (Sy > 0) { Sy = 0; eventCancle = true; } //trace(Sh+" + "+Sy+" < "+TGh ); if ((Sh + Sy) < TGh) { Sy = (TGh - Sh); eventCancle = true; } this.scrollScrollID.css({ top: Sy }); //this.setContentPosition(); this.setScrollbarPositionForWheel(); if (!eventCancle) { if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation(); event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } }, SBonWheelEnd: function () { if (this.scrollBarMove) return; var config = this.config; this.scrollBar.removeClass("scrollBar_hover"); this.scrollTrack.removeClass("scrollTrack_hover"); }, cancelEvent: function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); // disable event return false; }, setContentPosition: function () { var config = this.config; var SBy = this.scrollBar.position().top; var STh = this.STh; var Ch = this.Ch; var CTheight = this.CTheight; var Cheight = this.Cheight; var SBheight = CTheight * (CTheight - 4) / Cheight; if (SBheight < 10) { //스크롤 바가 최소값일 때 //SBy + 5; /* if(SBy == 2) SBy = 0; var Ctop = SBy * Ch / STh; */ var addTop, Ctop; if (SBy == 2) SBy = 0; addTop = ((10 - this.minHeightSB.h) / (STh - 10)) * SBy; addTop = addTop == 0 ? addTop = 0 : addTop = addTop - 1; if (STh - 10 > SBy) { Ctop = (SBy + addTop) * Ch / STh; } else { Ctop = Ch - CTheight; } if ((SBy) == STh) { Ctop = Ch - CTheight; } } else { SBy = SBy == 2 ? SBy = 0 : SBy = SBy - 2; //trace({SBy:SBy, Ch:Ch, STh:STh}); var Ctop = SBy * Ch / STh; } this.scrollScrollID.css({ top: -(Ctop.round()) }); //this.scrollScrollID[0].style.top = -Ctop.round(); }, setScrollbarPositionForWheel: function () { //scrollbar top position handle for wheel var config = this.config; //wheel control event is not jquery event ! var Sy = this.scrollScrollID.position().top; var STh = this.scrollTrack.height(); var Sh = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); var SBh = this.scrollBar.outerHeight(); var SBy = (-Sy * STh) / Sh; var addTop = 0; if (this.minHeightSB.TF) { addTop = Math.floor(((10 - this.minHeightSB.h) / (STh - 4 - 10)) * SBy); //addTop = addTop == 0 ? addTop = 0 : addTop = addTop + 1; } if (SBy < 2) { SBy = 2; } else { SBy = SBy - addTop; if ((SBy + SBh) > STh) { SBy = STh - SBh + 2; } } this.scrollBar.css({ top: SBy }); }, setSBPosition: function () { var config = this.config; var Ctop = this.scrollScrollID.position().top; var CTheight = this.scrollTargetID.innerHeight(); var STh = this.scrollTrack.height() + 8; var Ch = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); var SBh = this.scrollBar.height(); //trace({Ctop:Ctop, CTheight:CTheight, Ch:Ch, STh:STh, SBh:SBh, x:(STh*Ctop)/Ch}); var SBtop = -(STh * Ctop) / Ch; if (SBtop < 0) SBtop; if ((SBtop + SBh) > STh) SBtop = STh - SBh; this.scrollBar.css({ top: SBtop }); }, focusElement: function (id) { var config = this.config; if (AXgetId(id)) { //trace(jQuery("#"+id).position()); var pos = jQuery("#" + id).position(); var myNewTop = pos.top; var CTheight = this.scrollTargetID.innerHeight(); var Cheight = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); if ((Cheight - myNewTop) < CTheight) { myNewTop = Cheight - CTheight; } if(myNewTop < 0) myNewTop = 0; this.scrollScrollID.css({ top: -myNewTop }); this.setSBPosition(); } }, scrollTop: function(top){ var myNewTop = top; var CTheight = this.scrollTargetID.innerHeight(); var Cheight = this.scrollScrollID.outerHeight(); if ((Cheight - myNewTop) < CTheight) { myNewTop = Cheight - CTheight; } if(myNewTop < 0) myNewTop = 0; this.scrollScrollID.css({ top: -myNewTop }); this.setSBPosition(); }, unbind: function () { var config = this.config; this.scroll = false; this.scrollTrack.remove(); this.scrollBar.remove(); this.scrollTargetID.unbind("mouseover", this.tractActiveBind); this.scrollTargetID.unbind("mouseout", this.tractInActiveBind); //jQuery("#"+config.targetID+"_AX_scrollBar").unbind("dragstart", this.cancelEventBind); //jQuery("#"+config.targetID+"_AX_scrollBar").unbind("mousedown", this.SBonMouseDownBind); jQuery(document.body).unbind("mousemove.AXScroll", this.SBonMouseMoveBind); jQuery(document.body).unbind("mouseup.AXScroll", this.SBonMouseUpBind); var mousewheelevt = (/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel"; if (document.attachEvent) { //if IE (and Opera depending on user setting) if (AXgetId(config.targetID)) AXgetId(config.targetID).detachEvent("on" + mousewheelevt, this.SBonWheelBind); } else if (document.addEventListener) { //WC3 browsers if (AXgetId(config.targetID)) AXgetId(config.targetID).removeEventListener(mousewheelevt, this.SBonWheelBind, false); } if (document.addEventListener) { if (AXgetId(config.targetID)) AXgetId(config.targetID).removeEventListener("touchstart", this.SBtouchstartBind, false) } } }); /* ********************************************** AXScroll ** */ /* ** AXCalendar ********************************************** */ var AXCalendar = Class.create(AXJ, { version: "AXCalendar v1.0", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2012-12-05 오후 11:54:27" ], initialize: function (AXJ_super) { AXJ_super(); this.config.CT_className = "AXCalendar"; this.Observer = null; this.config.weeks = [ { name: "SUN" }, { name: "MON" }, { name: "TUE" }, { name: "WED" }, { name: "THU" }, { name: "FRI" }, { name: "SAT" } ]; this.config.printFormat = "d"; this.config.titleFormat = "yyyy/mm/dd"; this.config.valueFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"; }, init: function () { }, getBasicDate: function () { var cfg = this.config; if (cfg.basicDate != undefined) { return cfg.basicDate.date(); } else { return new Date(); } }, getCalendarStartDate: function (date) { var cfg = this.config; var calendarStartDate, monthStartDate, basicDate; basicDate = (date) ? date.date() : this.getBasicDate(); monthStartDate = new Date(basicDate.getFullYear(), basicDate.getMonth(), 1, 12); var calendarStartDateDay = monthStartDate.getDay(); if (calendarStartDateDay == 0) calendarStartDateDay = 7; calendarStartDate = monthStartDate.add(-calendarStartDateDay); return { calendarStartDate: calendarStartDate, monthStartDate: monthStartDate }; }, printDayPage: function (date) { var cfg = this.config; if (Object.isUndefined(cfg.targetID)) { trace("need targetID - setConfig({targetID:''})"); return; } var calendarDate = this.getCalendarStartDate(date); var calendarStartDate = calendarDate.calendarStartDate; var monthStartDate = calendarDate.monthStartDate; var basicDate = this.getBasicDate(); var setDate = (date) ? date.date() : new Date(); // var po = []; po.push("
"); po.push(""); po.push(""); po.push(""); jQuery.each(cfg.weeks, function (wi, ww) { po.push(""); }); po.push(""); po.push(""); po.push(""); var roopDate = calendarStartDate; var i = 0; while (i < 6) { po.push(""); var k = 0; while (k < 7) { var dayValue = roopDate.print(this.config.printFormat); var addClass = []; var tdClass = []; if (roopDate.getMonth() != monthStartDate.getMonth()) addClass.push("notThisMonth"); if (setDate.diff(roopDate) == 0) tdClass.push("setDate"); po.push(""); k++; roopDate = roopDate.add(1); } po.push(""); i++; } po.push(""); po.push("
" + ww.name + "
" + dayValue + "
"); po.push("
"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).html(po.join('')); }, dayPageSetDay: function (date) { var cfg = this.config; jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).find(".calendarDate").removeClass("selected"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_" + date.print(this.config.valueFormat) + "_AX_date").addClass("selected"); }, printMonthPage: function (date) { var cfg = this.config; if (Object.isUndefined(cfg.targetID)) { trace("need targetID - setConfig({targetID:''})"); return; } var setDate = (date) ? date.date() : new Date(); //alert(setDate); var po = []; po.push("
"); po.push(""); po.push(""); var m = 1; var i = 0; while (i < 4) { po.push(""); var k = 0; while (k < 3) { var tdClass = []; if (m == (setDate.getMonth() + 1)) tdClass.push("setDate"); po.push(""); k++; m++; } po.push(""); i++; } po.push(""); po.push("
" + m + "월
"); po.push("
"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).html(po.join('')); }, monthPageSetMonth: function (date) { var cfg = this.config; jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).find(".calendarMonth").removeClass("selected"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_" + (date.getMonth() + 1) + "_AX_month").addClass("selected"); }, printYearPage: function (year) { var cfg = this.config; if (Object.isUndefined(cfg.targetID)) { trace("need targetID - setConfig({targetID:''})"); return; } var po = []; po.push("
"); po.push(""); po.push(""); var m = year - 4; var i = 0; while (i < 4) { po.push(""); var k = 0; while (k < 3) { var tdClass = []; if (m == year) tdClass.push("setDate"); po.push(""); k++; m++; } po.push(""); i++; } po.push(""); po.push("
" + m + "년
"); po.push("
"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).html(po.join('')); }, yearPageSetYear: function (date) { var cfg = this.config; jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).find(".calendarMonth").removeClass("selected"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_" + date.print("yyyy") + "_AX_year").addClass("selected"); }, printTimePage: function (displayTime) { var cfg = this.config; if (Object.isUndefined(cfg.targetID)) { trace("need targetID - setConfig({targetID:''})"); return; } if (displayTime) { var now = displayTime.split(":"); var hh = now[0].setDigit(2); var mm = now[1].left(2).setDigit(2); var apm = now[1].right(2); if (hh == "00" && mm == "00") { hh = "12"; apm = "PM"; } if (apm == "00") apm = "AM"; } else { var now = new Date(); var hh = now.getHours(); var mm = now.getMinutes(); var apm = "AM"; if (hh == 0 && mm == 0) { hh = 24; } if (hh > 12) { apm = "PM"; hh -= 12; } hh = hh.setDigit(2); mm = mm.setDigit(2); } var po = []; po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
" + hh + ":" + mm + " " + apm + "
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID).html(po.join('')); var timePageChange = this.timePageChange.bind(this); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_hour").unbindInput(); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_minute").unbindInput(); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_AMPM").unbindInput(); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_hour").bindSlider({ min: 1, max: 12, onChange: function (objID, objVal) { timePageChange(objID, objVal); } }); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_minute").bindSlider({ min: 0, max: 59, onChange: function (objID, objVal) { timePageChange(objID, objVal); } }); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_AMPM").bindSwitch({ off: "AM", on: "PM", onChange: function (objID, objVal) { timePageChange(objID, objVal); } }); }, timePageChange: function (objID, objVal) { var cfg = this.config; var mytime = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_hour").val().number().setDigit(2) + ":" + jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_minute").val().number().setDigit(2) + " " + jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_AMPM").val(); jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_box").find(".timeDisplay").html(mytime); if (cfg.onChange) { var hh = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_hour").val().number(); var mi = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_minute").val().number(); var apm = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_AMPM").val(); if (apm == "PM") hh += 12; cfg.onChange(hh.setDigit(2) + ":" + mi.setDigit(2)); } }, getTime: function () { var cfg = this.config; var hh = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_hour").val().number(); var mi = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_minute").val().number(); var apm = jQuery("#" + cfg.targetID + "_AX_AMPM").val(); if (apm == "PM") hh += 12; return hh.setDigit(2) + ":" + mi.setDigit(2); } }); /* ********************************************** AXCalendar ** */ /* ** AXMultiSelect ********************************************** */ var AXMultiSelect = Class.create(AXJ, { version: "AXMultiSelect v1.8", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2013-01-31 오후 5:01:12", "2013-11-12 오전 9:19:09 - tom : 버그픽스", "2013-11-12 오전 11:59:38 - tom : body relative 버그 픽스, 스크롤바 마우스 선택 문제 해결", "2013-11-13 오후 3:01:15 - tom : 모바일 터치 기능 지원" ], initialize: function (AXJ_super) { AXJ_super(); this.selects = []; this.config.selectClassName = "readySelect"; this.config.beselectClassName = "beSelected"; this.config.selectingClassName = "AX_selecting"; this.config.unselectingClassName = "AX_unselecting"; this.moveSens = 0; this.config.moveSens = 5; this.touchMode; }, init: function () { var mouseClick = this.onmouseClick.bind(this); this._selectStage = jQuery("#" + this.config.selectStage); this._selectStage.css({"position":"relative"}); /* if(AXUtil.browser.mobile){ this._selectStage.css({"overflow":"visible", "min-height":this._selectStage.innerHeight(), "height":"auto"}); } */ this._selectStage.bind("mousedown", this.mousedown.bind(this)); this._selectStage.bind("click", function (event) { mouseClick(this, event); }); this.helper = jQuery("
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var eid = event.target.id.split(/_AX_/g); var eventTarget = event.target; var myTarget = this.getEventTarget({ evt : eventTarget, evtIDs : eid, until:function(evt, evtIDs){ return (AXgetId(evt.parentNode) == AXgetId(cfg.selectStage)) ? true:false; }, find:function(evt, evtIDs){ return (jQuery(evt).hasClass(cfg.selectClassName)) ? true : false; } }); //trace("click"); if(myTarget){ var selectElement = myTarget; if (selectElement) { if (event.shiftKey) { this.shiftSelects(selectElement); } else if (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { this.toggleSelects(selectElement); } else { this.clickSelects(selectElement); } } }else{ if(event.target.id == cfg.selectStage && AXUtil.browser.name != "ie") this.clearSelects(); return; } }, /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* class method ~~~~~~ */ collect: function () { var cfg = this.config; this._selectTargets = jQuery("#" + cfg.selectStage + " ." + cfg.selectClassName); this.selectTargets = this._selectTargets.get(); var scrollLeft = this._selectStage.scrollLeft().number(); var scrollTop = this._selectStage.scrollTop().number(); this._selectTargets.each(function(){ var jQuerythis = jQuery(this), pos = jQuerythis.position(); jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem", { element: this, jQueryelement: jQuerythis, left: pos.left + scrollLeft, top: pos.top + scrollTop, right: pos.left + scrollLeft + jQuerythis.outerWidth(), bottom: pos.top + scrollTop + jQuerythis.outerHeight(), selected: jQuerythis.hasClass(cfg.beselectClassName), selecting: jQuerythis.hasClass(cfg.selectingClassName) }); }); }, clearSelects: function () { var cfg = this.config; this._selectTargets.each(function(){ var selectTarget = jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget){ if (selectTarget.selecting) { selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.selectingClassName); selectTarget.selecting = false; } if(selectTarget.selected){ selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = false; } } }); }, pushSelects: function (Obj) { var hasSelect = this.selects.has(function () { return this.item == Obj; }); if (!hasSelect) this.selects.push(Obj); }, clickSelects: function (Obj) { var cfg = this.config; this.clearSelects(); var selectTarget = jQuery.data(Obj, "selectableItem"); selectTarget.jQueryelement.addClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = true; }, toggleSelects: function (Obj) { var cfg = this.config; var selectTarget = jQuery.data(Obj, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget.selected){ selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = false; }else{ selectTarget.jQueryelement.addClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = true; } }, shiftSelects: function (Obj) { var cfg = this.config; var selectedLength = 0; var li, si; this._selectTargets.each(function(stIndex, ST){ var selectTarget = jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget){ if(selectTarget.selected){ selectedLength++; li = stIndex; } } if(this === Obj) si = stIndex; }); if (selectedLength == 0) { this.clickSelects(Obj); } else { //마지막 selects 개체를 찾는다. if (si == li) return; this.clearSelects(); var temp; if(si > li){ temp = si; si = li; li = temp; } this._selectTargets.each(function(stIndex, ST){ var selectTarget = jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget){ if(si <= stIndex && li >= stIndex){ selectTarget.jQueryelement.addClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = true; } } }); } }, /* mouser helper */ mousedown: function(event){ var cfg = this.config; jQuery(document.body).bind("mousemove.AXMultiSelect", this.mousemove.bind(this)); jQuery(document.body).bind("mouseup.AXMultiSelect", this.mouseup.bind(this)); jQuery(document.body).bind("mouseleave.AXMultiSelect", this.mouseup.bind(this)); jQuery(document.body).attr("onselectstart", "return false"); jQuery(document.body).addClass("AXUserSelectNone"); this.helperAppenedReady = true; }, mousemove: function(event){ var cfg = this.config; if (!event.pageX) return; /*드래그 감도 적용 */ if (this.config.moveSens > this.moveSens) this.moveSens++; if (this.moveSens == this.config.moveSens) this.selectorHelperMove(event); }, mouseup: function(event){ var cfg = this.config; this.helperAppenedReady = false; this.moveSens = 0; jQuery(document.body).unbind("mousemove.AXMultiSelect"); jQuery(document.body).unbind("mouseup.AXMultiSelect"); jQuery(document.body).unbind("mouseleave.AXMultiSelect"); jQuery(document.body).removeAttr("onselectstart"); jQuery(document.body).removeClass("AXUserSelectNone"); if(this.helperAppened){ this.helperAppened = false; this.helper.remove(); /* selected change */ this._selectTargets.each(function(){ var selectTarget = jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget){ if (selectTarget.selecting) { selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.selectingClassName); selectTarget.selecting = false; selectTarget.jQueryelement.addClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = true; }else if(selectTarget.selected){ } } }); 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hit = ( !(stL > x2 || stR < x1 || stT > y2 || stB < y1) ); /* touch */ /* hit = (selectTarget.left > x1 && selectTarget.right < x2 && selectTarget.top > y1 && selectTarget.bottom < y2); fit */ if(hit){ /* SELECT */ if (selectTarget.selected) { selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = false; } if (!selectTarget.selecting) { selectTarget.jQueryelement.addClass(cfg.selectingClassName); selectTarget.selecting = true; } }else{ /* UNSELECT */ if (selectTarget.selecting) { selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.selectingClassName); selectTarget.selecting = false; } if (selectTarget.selected) { if (!event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey) { selectTarget.jQueryelement.removeClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = false; } } } }); }else{ this.helperAppened = true; jQuery(document.body).append(this.helper); var css = {left:(touch.pageX - jQuery(document.body).offset().left), top:(touch.pageY - jQuery(document.body).offset().top), width:0, height:0}; 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selectTarget.selecting = false; selectTarget.jQueryelement.addClass(cfg.beselectClassName); selectTarget.selected = true; }else if(selectTarget.selected){ } } }); } }, getSelects: function () { var cfg = this.config; var selects = []; this._selectTargets.each(function(){ var selectTarget = jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget){ if(selectTarget.selected){ selects.push(selectTarget.element); } } }); return selects; }, size: function () { var cfg = this.config; var selects = []; this._selectTargets.each(function(){ var selectTarget = jQuery.data(this, "selectableItem"); if(selectTarget){ if(selectTarget.selected){ selects.push(selectTarget.element); } } }); return selects.length; } }); /* ********************************************** AXMultiSelect ** */ /* ** AXResizable ********************************************** */ var AXResizable = Class.create(AXJ, { version: "AXResizable v1.0", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2013-11-12 오전 10:22:06" ], initialize: function (AXJ_super) { AXJ_super(); this.moveSens = 0; this.config.moveSens = 2; this.objects = []; this.config.bindResiableContainer = "AXResizable"; this.config.bindResiableHandle = "AXResizableHandle"; }, init: function () { this.helper = jQuery("
"); }, bind: function(obj){ var cfg = this.config; if (!obj.id) { trace("bind 대상 ID가 없어 bind 처리할 수 없습니다."); return; } if (!AXgetId(obj.id)) { trace("bind 대상이 없어 bind 처리할 수 없습니다."); return; } var objID = obj.id; var objSeq = null; jQuery.each(this.objects, function (idx, O) { /*if (this.id == objID && this.isDel == true) objSeq = idx;*/ if (this.id == objID) { objSeq = idx; } }); if (objSeq == null) { objSeq = this.objects.length; this.objects.push({ id: objID, element:AXgetId(objID), jQueryElement:jQuery("#"+objID), config: obj }); } else { this.objects[objSeq].isDel = undefined; this.objects[objSeq].config = obj; } this.bindResizer(objID, objSeq); }, unbind: function (obj) { var cfg = this.config; var removeIdx; jQuery.each(this.objects, function (idx, O) { if (O.id != obj.id) { } else { if (O.isDel != true) { removeIdx = idx; } } }); if(removeIdx != undefined){ this.objects[removeIdx].isDel = true; /* unbind 구문 */ } }, bindResizer: function(objID, objSeq){ var _this = this; var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; var po = []; po.push("
"); obj.jQueryElement.addClass(cfg.bindResiableContainer); obj.jQueryElement.append(po.join('')); //obj.jQueryElement.bind("mousedown.AXResizable", function(){_this.mousedown(objID, objSeq, event)}); obj.jQueryElement.bind("mousedown.AXResizable", this.mousedown.bind(this, objID, objSeq)); }, mousedown: function(objID, objSeq, event){ var _this = this; var cfg = this.config; jQuery(window).bind("mousemove.AXResizable", this.mousemove.bind(this, objID, objSeq)); jQuery(window).bind("mouseup.AXResizable", this.mouseup.bind(this, objID, objSeq)); /*jQuery(document.body).bind("mouseleave.AXResizable", this.mouseup.bind(this, objID, objSeq));*/ jQuery(document.body).attr("onselectstart", "return false"); jQuery(document.body).addClass("AXUserSelectNone"); this.helperAppenedReady = true; }, mousemove: function(objID, objSeq, event){ var cfg = this.config; if (!event.pageX) return; /*드래그 감도 적용 */ if (this.config.moveSens > this.moveSens) this.moveSens++; if (this.moveSens == this.config.moveSens) this.selectorHelperMove(objID, objSeq, event); }, mouseup: function(objID, objSeq, event){ var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; this.helperAppenedReady = false; this.moveSens = 0; jQuery(window).unbind("mousemove.AXResizable"); jQuery(window).unbind("mouseup.AXResizable"); /*jQuery(document.body).unbind("mouseleave.AXResizable");*/ jQuery(document.body).removeAttr("onselectstart"); jQuery(document.body).removeClass("AXUserSelectNone"); if(this.helperAppened){ this.helperAppened = false; var newWidth = this.helper.width(); var newHeight = this.helper.height(); var paddingLeft = obj.jQueryElement.css("padding-left"); var paddingRight = obj.jQueryElement.css("padding-right"); var paddingTop = obj.jQueryElement.css("padding-top"); var paddingBottom = obj.jQueryElement.css("padding-bottom"); var paddingW = paddingLeft.number() + paddingRight.number(); var paddingH = paddingTop.number() + paddingBottom.number(); if(obj.config.animate){ obj.jQueryElement.animate( {width:newWidth-paddingW, height:newHeight-paddingH}, (obj.config.animate.duration||300), (obj.config.animate.easing||"liner"), function(){ if(obj.config.onChange){ obj.config.onChange.call(obj, obj); } } ); }else{ obj.jQueryElement.css({width:newWidth-paddingW, height:newHeight-paddingH}); if(obj.config.onChange){ obj.config.onChange.call(obj, obj); } } this.helper.remove(); } }, selectorHelperMove: function(objID, objSeq, event){ var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; if(this.helperAppened){ var _helperPos = this.helperPos; var tmp, x1 = this.helperPos.x, y1 = this.helperPos.y, x2 = event.pageX - _helperPos.bodyLeft, y2 = event.pageY - _helperPos.bodyTop; var minWidth = (obj.config.minWidth||0), minHeight = (obj.config.minHeight||0), maxWidth = (obj.config.maxWidth||0), maxHeight = (obj.config.maxHeight||0); var myWidth = x2-x1, myHeight = y2-y1; if(minWidth != 0 && myWidth < minWidth) myWidth = minWidth; if(minHeight != 0 && myHeight < minHeight) myHeight = minHeight; if(maxWidth != 0 && myWidth > maxWidth) myWidth = maxWidth; if(maxHeight != 0 && myHeight > maxHeight) myHeight = maxHeight; if(obj.config.aspectRatio){ myWidth = myHeight * obj.config.aspectRatio; } if(obj.config.snap){ myWidth = obj.config.snap * (myWidth / obj.config.snap).ceil(); myHeight = obj.config.snap * (myHeight / obj.config.snap).ceil(); } //trace({width: myWidth, height: myHeight}); this.helper.css({width: myWidth, height: myHeight}); }else{ this.helperAppened = true; jQuery(document.body).append(this.helper); var bodyLeft = jQuery(document.body).offset().left; var bodyTop = jQuery(document.body).offset().top; var pos = obj.jQueryElement.offset(); var css = { left: pos.left + bodyLeft, top: pos.top + bodyLeft, width: obj.jQueryElement.outerWidth(), height: obj.jQueryElement.outerHeight() }; this.helper.css(css); this.helperPos = { x:css.left, y:css.top, bodyLeft: jQuery(document.body).offset().left, bodyTop: jQuery(document.body).offset().top }; } } }); var AXResizableBinder = new AXResizable(); AXResizableBinder.setConfig({ targetID: "defaultResiable" }); jQuery.fn.bindAXResizable = function (config) { jQuery.each(this, function () { config = config || {}; config.id = this.id; AXResizableBinder.bind(config); return this; }); }; jQuery.fn.unbindAXResizable = function (config) { jQuery.each(this, function () { if (config == undefined) config = {}; config.id = this.id; AXResizableBinder.unbind(config); return this; }); }; /* ********************************************** AXResizable ** */ /* ** AXContextMenu ********************************************** */ var AXContextMenuClass = Class.create(AXJ, { version: "AXContextMenuClass v1.1", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2013-03-22 오후 6:08:57", "2013-09-03 오후 7:10:14 메뉴확장 위치 제어 버그 픽스" ], initialize: function (AXJ_super) { AXJ_super(); this.showedItem = {}; this.objects = []; this.config.theme = "AXContextMenu"; this.config.width = "140"; }, init: function () { }, bindSetConfig: function (objID, configs) { var findIndex = null; jQuery.each(this.objects, function (index, O) { if (O.id == objID) { findIndex = index; return false; } }); if (findIndex == null) { //trace("바인드 된 오브젝트를 찾을 수 없습니다."); return; } else { var _self = this.objects[findIndex]; jQuery.each(configs, function (k, v) { _self.config[k] = v; }); } }, bind: function (obj) { var cfg = this.config; if (!obj.id) { trace("ID가 없어 bind 처리할 수 없습니다. AXContentMenu.bind({id:'idValue'});"); return; } var mlen = this.objects.search( function () { return (this.item.id == obj.id); } ); if (mlen > 0) { //이미 바인딩된 개체 아이디 입니다. return; } var objID = obj.id; var objSeq = this.objects.length; this.objects.push(obj); }, filter: function (objSeq, objID, myobj, menu) { var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; if (myobj.filter) { var sendObj = { menu: menu, sendObj: obj.sendObj } return myobj.filter.call(sendObj, objID); } else { return true; } }, getSubMenu: function (parentID, objSeq, objID, myobj, subMenu, depth) { var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; var theme = obj.theme || cfg.theme; var width = obj.width || cfg.width; var filter = this.filter.bind(this); var getSubMenu = this.getSubMenu.bind(this); var subMenuID = parentID + "_AX_subMenu"; //trace(subMenu.length); var po = []; po.push("
"); jQuery.each(subMenu, function (idx, menu) { if (filter(objSeq, objID, myobj, menu)) { var className = (menu.className) ? menu.className : ""; var hasSubMenu = (menu.subMenu) ? " hasSubMenu" : ""; po.push(""); po.push(menu.label); if (menu.subMenu) { if (menu.subMenu.length > 0) { po.push("
"); } } po.push("
"); if (menu.subMenu) { if (menu.subMenu.length > 0) { po.push(getSubMenu(subMenuID + "_AX_" + depth + "_AX_" + idx, objSeq, objID, myobj, menu.subMenu, (depth + 1))); } } } }); po.push("
"); return po.join(''); }, open: function (myobj, position) { var cfg = this.config; var objSeq = null; jQuery.each(this.objects, function (index, O) { if (O.id == myobj.id) { objSeq = index; return false; } }); if (objSeq == null) { //trace("바인드 된 오브젝트를 찾을 수 없습니다."); return; } var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; var objID = obj.id; if (myobj.sendObj) { obj.sendObj = myobj.sendObj; } if (AXgetId(objID)) return; var theme = obj.theme || cfg.theme; var width = obj.width || cfg.width; jQuery("#" + objID).remove(); var filter = this.filter.bind(this); var getSubMenu = this.getSubMenu.bind(this); var po = []; po.push("
"); jQuery.each(obj.menu, function (idx, menu) { if (filter(objSeq, objID, myobj, menu)) { if (menu.upperLine) { po.push("
"); } var className = (menu.className) ? " " + menu.className : ""; var hasSubMenu = (menu.subMenu) ? " hasSubMenu" : ""; po.push(""); po.push(menu.label); if (menu.subMenu) { if (menu.subMenu.length > 0) { po.push("
"); } } po.push("
"); if (menu.subMenu) { if (menu.subMenu.length > 0) { po.push(getSubMenu(objID + "_AX_contextMenu_AX_0_AX_" + idx, objSeq, objID, myobj, menu.subMenu, 1)); } } if (menu.underLine) { po.push("
"); } } }); po.push("
"); jQuery(document.body).append(po.join('')); jQuery("#" + objID + " .contextMenuItem:first-child").addClass("first"); jQuery("#" + objID + " .contextMenuItem:last-child").addClass("last"); var contextMenuItemMouseOver = this.contextMenuItemMouseOver.bind(this); this.contextMenuItemMouseOverBind = function (event) { contextMenuItemMouseOver(event, objSeq, objID); }; jQuery("#" + objID + " .contextMenuItem").bind("mouseover", this.contextMenuItemMouseOverBind); //컨텍스트 메뉴의 위치 지정 var css = {}; if (!position.clientX) { if (position.left != undefined) css.left = position.left; else css.right = position.right; css.top = position.top; } else { var mouse = this.getMousePositon(position); css.left = mouse.pageX; css.top = mouse.pageY; } // -- 부모박스 정보와 박스 정보 var pElement = jQuery("#" + objID).offsetParent(); var pBox = { width: pElement.width(), height: pElement.height() }; var clientHeight = (AXUtil.docTD == "Q") ? document.body.scrollHeight : document.documentElement.scrollHeight; var clienWidth = (AXUtil.docTD == "Q") ? document.body.scrollWidth : document.documentElement.scrollWidth; if (clienWidth > pBox.width) pBox.width = clienWidth; if (clientHeight > pBox.height) pBox.height = clientHeight; var _box = { width: jQuery("#" + objID).outerWidth(), height: jQuery("#" + objID).outerHeight() }; // -- 부모박스 정보와 박스 정보 if ((_box.height.number() + css.top.number()) > pBox.height) { css.top -= ((_box.height.number() + css.top.number()) - pBox.height) + 5; this.openTB = "up"; } if (css.left != undefined) { if ((_box.width.number() + css.left.number()) > pBox.width) { var moveLeft = ((_box.width.number() + css.left.number()) - pBox.width) + 5; css.left -= moveLeft; this.openLR = "left"; } else { if ((_box.width.number() * 2 + css.left.number()) > pBox.width) { this.openLR = "left"; } } /* if((_box.width.number() + css.left.number()) > pBox.width){ css.left -= ((_box.width.number() + css.left.number()) - pBox.width) + 5; this.openLR = "left"; } */ } else { css.left = "auto"; this.openLR = "right"; } jQuery("#" + objID).css(css); //var eventBind = this.eventBind.bind(this); this.eventBind(objSeq, objID); //setTimeout(function(){}, 1); }, eventBind: function (objSeq, objID) { var cfg = this.config; /* closeEvent bind */ var contextMenuItemDown = this.contextMenuItemDown.bind(this); var contextMenuItemDownBind = function (event) { contextMenuItemDown(event, objSeq, objID); }; jQuery(document).bind("mousedown.AXContenxtMenu", contextMenuItemDownBind); jQuery(document).bind("keydown.AXContenxtMenu", contextMenuItemDownBind); jQuery(document).find("iframe").each(function () { jQuery(window[this.name].document).bind("mousedown.AXContenxtMenu", contextMenuItemDownBind); jQuery(window[this.name].document).bind("keydown.AXContenxtMenu", contextMenuItemDownBind); }); /* closeEvent bind ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ //click var contextMenuItemClick = this.contextMenuItemClick.bind(this); this.contextMenuItemClickBind = function (event) { contextMenuItemClick(event, objSeq, objID); }; jQuery("#" + objID).find(".contextMenuItem").bind("click", this.contextMenuItemClickBind); }, _close: function (objSeq, objID) { var cfg = this.config; jQuery("#" + objID).fadeOut("fast", function () { jQuery("#" + objID).remove(); }); jQuery(document).unbind("keydown.AXContenxtMenu"); jQuery(document).unbind("mousedown.AXContenxtMenu"); jQuery(document).find("iframe").each(function () { jQuery(window[this.name].document).unbind("mousedown.AXContenxtMenu"); jQuery(window[this.name].document).unbind("keydown.AXContenxtMenu"); }); this.showedItem = {}; // 초기화 this.openTB = ""; this.openLR = ""; }, close: function (myobj) { var cfg = this.config; var objSeq = null; jQuery.each(this.objects, function (index, O) { if (O.id == myobj.id) { objSeq = index; return false; } }); if (objSeq == null) { //trace("바인드 된 오브젝트를 찾을 수 없습니다."); return; } var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; var objID = obj.id; jQuery("#" + objID).fadeOut("fast", function () { jQuery("#" + objID).remove(); }); jQuery(document).unbind("keydown", this.contextMenuItemDownBind); jQuery(document).unbind("mousedown", this.contextMenuItemDownBind); this.showedItem = {}; // 초기화 this.openTB = ""; this.openLR = ""; }, contextMenuItemMouseOver: function (event, objSeq, objID) { var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; var menuWidth = obj.width || cfg.width; // event target search - var eid = event.target.id.split(/_AX_/g); var eventTarget = event.target; var myTarget = this.getEventTarget({ evt: eventTarget, evtIDs: eid, find: function (evt, evtIDs) { return (jQuery(evt).hasClass("contextMenuItem")) ? true : false; } }); // event target search ------------------------ if (myTarget) { var poi = myTarget.id.split(/_AX_/g); var depth = poi[poi.length - 2]; if (this.showedItem[depth]) { jQuery("#" + this.showedItem[depth]).hide(); } if (jQuery(myTarget).hasClass("hasSubMenu")) { // -- 부모박스 정보와 박스 정보 var pElement = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").offsetParent(); var pBox = { width: pElement.width(), height: pElement.height() }; var clientHeight = (AXUtil.docTD == "Q") ? document.body.scrollHeight : document.documentElement.scrollHeight; var clienWidth = (AXUtil.docTD == "Q") ? document.body.scrollWidth : document.documentElement.scrollWidth; if (clienWidth > pBox.width) pBox.width = clienWidth; if (clientHeight > pBox.height) pBox.height = clientHeight; var _box = { width: jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").outerWidth(), height: jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").outerHeight() }; // -- 부모박스 정보와 박스 정보 var subMenuTop = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id).position().top; var css; if (this.openTB == "up") { var ph = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id).offsetParent().height(); var h = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id).height(); var bottom = ph - subMenuTop - h; css = { top: "auto", bottom: bottom }; } else { css = { top: subMenuTop }; } if (this.openLR == "left") { //css.left = -(menuWidth - 15); css.left = -(20); } jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").css(css); jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").show(); this.showedItem[depth] = myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu"; } } }, contextMenuItemDown: function (event, objSeq, objID) { var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; if (event.keyCode == AXUtil.Event.KEY_ESC) { this._close(objSeq, objID); return; } // event target search - var eid = event.target.id.split(/_AX_/g); var eventTarget = event.target; var myTarget = this.getEventTarget({ evt: eventTarget, evtIDs: eid, find: function (evt, evtIDs) { return (jQuery(evt).hasClass("contextMenuItem")) ? true : false; } }); // event target search ------------------------ if (myTarget) { } else { this._close(objSeq, objID); } }, contextMenuItemClick: function (event, objSeq, objID) { var cfg = this.config; var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; // event target search - var eid = event.target.id.split(/_AX_/g); var eventTarget = event.target; var myTarget = this.getEventTarget({ evt: eventTarget, evtIDs: eid, find: function (evt, evtIDs) { return (jQuery(evt).hasClass("contextMenuItem")) ? true : false; } }); // event target search ------------------------ if (myTarget) { var poi = myTarget.id.split(/_AX_/g); var depth = poi[poi.length - 2].number(); var hashs = []; var mystrPosition = poi.length - 1; for (var r = 0; r < depth + 1; r++) { hashs.push(poi[mystrPosition]); mystrPosition -= 3; } hashs = hashs.reverse(); var menu = obj.menu; jQuery.each(hashs, function (idx, hash) { if (idx == 0) menu = menu[hash]; else menu = menu.subMenu[hash]; }); if (menu.onclick) { menu.onclick.call({ menu: menu, sendObj: obj.sendObj }, objID); } this._close(objSeq, objID); } } }); var AXContextMenu = new AXContextMenuClass(); AXContextMenu.setConfig({}); var AXPopOverClass = Class.create(AXContextMenuClass, { version: "AXPopOverClass v1.0", author: "tom@axisj.com", logs: [ "2013-08-28 오후 6:16:46 - 시작 - tom" ], open: function (myobj, position) { var cfg = this.config; var objSeq = null; jQuery.each(this.objects, function (index, O) { if (O.id == myobj.id) { objSeq = index; //return false; } else { jQuery("#" + O.id).remove(); } }); if (objSeq == null) { //trace("바인드 된 오브젝트를 찾을 수 없습니다."); return; } var obj = this.objects[objSeq]; var objID = obj.id; if (myobj.sendObj) { obj.sendObj = myobj.sendObj; } if (this.observer) clearTimeout(this.observer); //닫기 명령 제거 var direction = obj.direction || "top"; if (AXgetId(objID)) { if (position.clientX) { this.contentMenuSetCss(event, position, objSeq, objID); } return; } var theme = obj.theme || cfg.theme; var width = obj.width || cfg.width; //컨텍스트 메뉴의 위치 지정 var arrowStyle = ""; if (position.clientX) { arrowStyle = "background-position:10px 0px;" } else { if (position.arrowLeft) arrowStyle = "background-position:" + position.arrowLeft + "px 0px;" } jQuery("#" + objID).remove(); var filter = this.filter.bind(this); var getSubMenu = this.getSubMenu.bind(this); var po = []; po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); po.push("
"); if (obj.menu) { jQuery.each(obj.menu, function (idx, menu) { if (!menu) return false; if (filter(objSeq, objID, myobj, menu)) { if (menu.upperLine) { po.push("
"); } var className = (menu.className) ? " " + menu.className : ""; var hasSubMenu = (menu.subMenu) ? " hasSubMenu" : ""; po.push(""); po.push(menu.label); if (menu.subMenu) { if (menu.subMenu.length > 0) { po.push("
"); } } po.push("
"); if (menu.subMenu) { if (menu.subMenu.length > 0) { po.push(getSubMenu(objID + "_AX_contextMenu_AX_0_AX_" + idx, objSeq, objID, myobj, menu.subMenu, 1)); } } if (menu.underLine) { po.push("
"); } } }); } else if (obj.body) { po.push("
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true : false; } }); // event target search ------------------------ if (myTarget) { var poi = myTarget.id.split(/_AX_/g); var depth = poi[poi.length - 2]; if (this.showedItem[depth]) { jQuery("#" + this.showedItem[depth]).hide(); } if (jQuery(myTarget).hasClass("hasSubMenu")) { var subMenuTop = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id).position().top; var css; if (this.openTB == "up") { var ph = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id).offsetParent().height(); var h = jQuery("#" + myTarget.id).height(); var bottom = ph - subMenuTop - h; css = { top: "auto", bottom: bottom }; } else { css = { top: subMenuTop }; } if (this.openLR == "left") { //css.left = -(menuWidth - 15); css.left = -(20); } jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").css(css); jQuery("#" + myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu").show(); this.showedItem[depth] = myTarget.id + "_AX_subMenu"; } } }, contextMenuMouseOut: function (event, objSeq, objID) { var close = this._close.bind(this); this.observer = setTimeout(function () { close(objSeq, objID); }, 200); } }); var AXPopOver = new AXPopOverClass(); AXPopOver.setConfig({ theme: "AXPopOver" }); jQuery.fn.bindTooltip = function (config) { if (config == undefined) config = {}; jQuery.each(this, function () { var tooltipContent = jQuery("#" + this.id + "_AX_tooltip").html(); AXPopOver.bind({ id: this.id + "_AX_tooltipobj", theme: (config.theme || "AXPopOverTooltip"), // 선택항목 width: (config.width || ""), // 선택항목 direction: (config.direction || "top"), // 선택항목 body: tooltipContent }); jQuery(this).bind((config.event || "mouseover"), function () { var pos = jQuery(this).offset(); var direction = (config.direction || "top"); var posTop = pos.top; if (direction == "bottom") { posTop -= 3; } else { posTop += jQuery(this).outerHeight() + 3; } AXPopOver.open({ id: this.id + "_AX_tooltipobj", sendObj: {} }, { left: pos.left, top: posTop, handleHeight: (jQuery(this).outerHeight().number() + 3) }); // event 직접 연결 방식 }); return this; }); }; /* ********************************************** AXContextMenu ** */ /* ** jQuery easing plugin ********************************************** */ jQuery.extend(true, { easing: { backIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; var s = 1.70158; return c * (p /= 1) * p * ((s + 1) * p - s) + f; }, backOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; var s = 1.70158; return c * ((p = p / 1 - 1) * p * ((s + 1) * p + s) + 1) + f; }, backInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; var s = 1.70158; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return c / 2 * (p * p * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * p - s)) + f; else return c / 2 * ((p -= 2) * p * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * p + s) + 2) + f; }, bounceIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; var inv = this.bounceOut(1 - p, 1, 0, d); return c - inv + f; }, bounceOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if (p < (1 / 2.75)) return c * (7.5625 * p * p) + f; else if (p < (2 / 2.75)) return c * (7.5625 * (p -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * p + .75) + f; else if (p < (2.5 / 2.75)) return c * (7.5625 * (p -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * p + .9375) + f; else return c * (7.5625 * (p -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * p + .984375) + f; }, circIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return -c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (p /= 1) * p) - 1) + f; }, circOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (p = p / 1 - 1) * p) + f; }, circInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return -c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - p * p) - 1) + f; else return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (p -= 2) * p) + 1) + f; }, cubicIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * (p /= 1) * p * p + f; }, cubicOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * ((p = p / 1 - 1) * p * p + 1) + f; }, cubicInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return c / 2 * p * p * p + f; else return c / 2 * ((p -= 2) * p * p + 2) + f; }, elasticIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if (p == 0) return f; if (p == 1) return c; var peroid = 0.25; var s; var amplitude = c; if (amplitude < Math.abs(c)) { amplitude = c; s = peroid / 4; } else { s = peroid / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / amplitude); } return -(amplitude * Math.pow(2, 10 * (p -= 1)) * Math.sin((p * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / peroid)) + f; }, elasticOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if (p == 0) return f; if (p == 1) return c; var peroid = 0.25; var s; var amplitude = c; if (amplitude < Math.abs(c)) { amplitude = c; s = peroid / 4; } else { s = peroid / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / amplitude); } return -(amplitude * Math.pow(2, -10 * p) * Math.sin((p * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / peroid)) + c; }, expoIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return (p == 0) ? f : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (p - 1)) + f - c * 0.001; }, expoOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return (p == 1) ? c : d * 1.001 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * p) + 1) + f; }, expoInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if (p == 0) return f; if (p == 1) return c; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (p - 1)) + f - c * 0.0005; else return c / 2 * 1.0005 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --p) + 2) + f; }, quadIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * (p /= 1) * p + f; }, quadOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return -c * (p /= 1) * (p - 2) + f; }, quadInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return c / 2 * p * p + f; else return -c / 2 * ((--p) * (p - 2) - 1) + f; }, quartIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * (p /= 1) * p * p * p + f; }, quartOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return -c * ((p = p / 1 - 1) * p * p * p - 1) + f; }, quartInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return c / 2 * p * p * p * p + f; else return -c / 2 * ((p -= 2) * p * p * p - 2) + f; }, quintIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * (p /= 1) * p * p * p * p + f; }, quintOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * ((p = p / 1 - 1) * p * p * p * p + 1) + f; }, quintInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; if ((p /= 0.5) < 1) return c / 2 * p * p * p * p * p + f; else return c / 2 * ((p -= 2) * p * p * p * p + 2) + f; }, sineIn: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return -c * Math.cos(p * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + f; }, sineOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return c * Math.sin(p * (Math.PI / 2)) + f; }, sineInOut: function (p, n, f, d) { var c = f + d; return -c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * p) - 1) + f; } } }); /* ********************************************** jQuery easing plugin ** */ /* ** jQuery misc plugin ***********************************************/ jQuery.fn.scrollToDiv = function (margin, boxDim, leftScroll) { var pElement = this.offsetParent(); var pBox = { width: pElement.width(), height: pElement.height() }; if (boxDim) { if (boxDim.width > 0) pBox.width = boxDim.width; if (boxDim.height > 0) pBox.height = boxDim.height; } var pos = this.position(); if (!pos) return; if (margin) var m = { left: margin.left || 0, top: margin.top || 0, right: margin.right || 0, bottom: margin.bottom || 0 }; else var m = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; var ePos = { left: pos.left + this.outerWidth(), top: pos.top + this.outerHeight() }; var pEbox = { width: pBox.width - m.right, height: pBox.height - m.bottom } var pES = { left: pElement.scrollLeft(), top: pElement.scrollTop() } if (ePos.top > pEbox.height) { pElement.scrollTop(ePos.top - pEbox.height + pES.top + 1); } else if ((ePos.top - this.outerHeight() - m.top) < 0) { pElement.scrollTop(pES.top + (ePos.top - this.outerHeight() - m.top)); } else { if (pElement[0].tagName == "BODY") window.scroll(0, pES.top + (ePos.top - m.top)); } if (leftScroll) { if (ePos.left > pEbox.width) { pElement.scrollLeft(ePos.left - pEbox.width + pES.left + 1); } else if ((ePos.left - this.outerWidth() - m.left) < 0) { pElement.scrollLeft(pES.left + (ePos.left - this.outerWidth() - m.left)); } } return this; }; /* *********************************************** jQuery misc plugin **/ var __r20 = /%20/g, __rbracket = /\[\]$/, __rCRLF = /\r?\n/g, __rinput = /^(?:color|date|datetime|datetime-local|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i, __rselectTextarea = /^(?:select|textarea)/i; jQuery.fn.extend({ serializeObject: function () { var myArray = this.map(function () { return this.elements ? jQuery.makeArray(this.elements) : this; }) .filter(function () { return this.name && !this.disabled && (this.checked || __rselectTextarea.test(this.nodeName) || __rinput.test(this.type)); }) .map(function (i, elem) { var val = jQuery(this).val(); //(elem.title || elem.placeholder || "") //ie에서는 placeholder를 인식하지못함 var label = (jQuery(elem).attr("title") || jQuery(elem).attr("placeholder") || ""); return val == null ? null : jQuery.isArray(val) ? jQuery.map(val, function (val, i) { return { id: elem.id, name: elem.name, type: elem.type, value: val.replace(__rCRLF, "\r\n"), label: label }; }) : { id: elem.id, name: elem.name, type: elem.type, value: val.replace(__rCRLF, "\r\n"), label: label }; }).get(); return myArray; } }); jQuery(document.body).ready(function () { jQuery("input[type=text]").bind("mousedown", function () { this.focus(); }); jQuery("textarea").bind("mousedown", function () { this.focus(); }); }); jQuery.fn.endFocus = function() { var elem = this; var elemLen = elem.val().length; if(elemLen == 0){ elem.focus(); return; } // For IE Only if (document.selection) { // Set focus elem.focus(); elem.val(elem.val()); } else if (document.selection == undefined || elem.selectionStart || elem.selectionStart == '0') { // Firefox/Chrome elem.focus().val(elem.val()); } // if };